The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 572 Another one is missing!

Xiao Zaizai's emotional change made the proprietress laugh again, and she got up to help Yu Yuanyuan look at the door, and sure enough there were two cameras standing outside.

"Come in and shoot, it's okay, come in and shoot."

The enthusiasm of the proprietress overwhelmed the cameraman, and he entered the store carrying a big black cannon.

At this moment, Xiao Zai Zai has already swept the dishes and ate a bowl of rice, his big eyes are full of satisfaction and happiness.

"By the way, what is your show about? Is it all about shooting Yuanyuan?" The proprietress could chat with anyone, but she actually turned the conversation to the cameraman.

Without waiting for the cameraman to explain, Xiao Zai Zai wiped his mouth and said in a decent manner: "We are taking a door shot and one plus one~~"

"What? Are you going to blow up the door?" The proprietress glanced at the door of her shop in surprise.

"It's cute 1+1," He Chen emphasized in time, "That cute cute."

"Oh," nodded reassuringly, and the proprietress looked at the cute cub again, "Yuanyuan is very suitable for the name of this show, so what do you mainly do in the show?"

"Do the job!"

"Ah? To be a parrot?" The proprietress felt that her deafness was getting worse.

He Chen cleared his throat: "Do the task."

"What task?"


"Oh, Yuanyuan is indeed 666!" The proprietress gave a thumbs up in a nonchalant manner.

The cameraman kept holding back his laughter, but the shaky footage still betrayed him.

He has seen many funny things, but he has never encountered such a funny thing, like a cannonball, can he endure one, can he endure ten?

After eating and drinking enough, Yu Yuanyuan rubbed her belly with a satisfied face.

The proprietress didn't ask to take a photo until the little cub had finished eating.

"Come on, little brother, may I trouble you." Saying that, the proprietress handed He Chen her mobile phone.

The popular idol, He Chen, sadly urged him to become a photoshoot boy, clicked to choose an angle, and took more than a dozen photos of the proprietress and the little boy.

The proprietress held her mobile phone and looked at it again and again, with a satisfied expression on her face.

"Auntie, can you do something for Yuanyuan?" Xiao Zaizai was very kind, and after eating, he caught one and started to get down to business.

As long as it was Yu Yuanyuan's request, how could the proprietress be willing to say "no"?

"Okay, what do you need Auntie to do?"

"Throw 3 squares on the ground," Xiao Zaizai held the dice to the proprietress, "Throw it down from the height of Yuanyuan~"

"Ah? Is that all right?" The proprietress was astonished.


"Does that mean there must be a designated number of points? What about three 1s, three sixes?"

Boss... have you read the script?

"It takes three six yuan to can't win too much, just win a little bit." Unless you have an absolute victory, Xiao Zai Zai will not be proud in advance, and you must speak rigorously.

"Hey, what about filming the show?" The guests at the next table who had finished eating also came to watch.

In order to take care of the cubs, a group of adults surrounded the inner and outer floors, waiting to see the proprietress perform.

"Okay, if I hit three sixes, I'll... just... free everyone present!!" The proprietress clenched her fist excitedly.

The boss was taken aback by her words, and hurriedly yelled: "If you don't want to be free, you will have to pay. If anyone runs away, I will call the police!"

"If it's so easy to hit three sixes, then our table will be doubled." The guest accepted the move not to be outdone.

"We double too."


"plus one."

There are more and more onlookers, and everyone has a sense of participation, and a few sentences stir up the atmosphere.

When it was almost brewing, the proprietress poked the dice in her hand and shouted: "Look at mine!"

The dice in the palm of the hand was thrown into the sky vigorously, and fell quickly...

a six.

Two sixes!
Three... Huh?Where did the third die go?

He Chen thought it was the same result, but unexpectedly found that there were only two pink dice left on the ground, and one was missing!

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