The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 573 I'm afraid the dice are tricky

"Huh? Where did the other dice go?"

There have been two sixes, and everyone is eager to know what the other one is.

A group of people searched with their heads buried for a long time but failed to find it. He Chen went the other way and looked at a high place... On the blade of the ceiling fan, he saw a stagnant pink square.

"On top!"

He Chen pulled out his chair, and was about to go up to look, when the proprietress dragged him down: "I'll come, I'll come."

The proprietress who was eager to know the result stood still——

Oh, she's still a long way off!
Looking around, the tallest one is He Chen, and this matter has to be handed over to him.

"Should we roll down the dice or just use the current score?" He Shen was in a hurry to reveal, and first asked the staff present.

This is the first time this happens, and both solutions make sense.

"It's fine, how about letting Yuanyuan decide?"

Before deciding on the points, the staff handed over the decision to Xiao Zai Zai.

Yu Yuanyuan has received unprecedented attention amidst a bunch of people at higher altitudes than herself.

She bit her finger and thought for a while, then replied, "A little bit now."

"Okay, then I won't move the fan blades and take pictures with my mobile phone." He Chen signaled the staff to give him a mobile phone, turned on the video mode, and slowly raised his hand above the dice.

The height of the ceiling fan is very high, although He Chen can take down the dice, but he can't see the exact number on it.

In order to follow Xiao Zai Zai's choice, he can only take a picture and confirm the points with everyone, and then put the dice back on the ground.

"Look, look, I'm so curious."

Yu Yuanyuan squatted in the innermost part, and several circles of adults gathered outside to watch it together.

I saw the video screen on the mobile phone wobbly, slowly moving to the point where the dice was facing up——

"My god, it's six, it's really six!!" The proprietress was the first to scream.

The diners who participated in the opposite direction had to pay double the meal fee, but they threw three sixes at one time. Everyone thought it was a big deal, and the onlookers clapped their hands from the bottom of their hearts.

The points have been determined, He Chen only needs to roll the dice now.

He stretched out his arm, gave a little push with his fingertips, and the dice rolled back to the ground with a grunt.

This is a prop of the program group, everyone backed away one after another, fearing that if they accidentally stepped on it, they would have to pay for it.

I saw that the spinning dice rolled a few times and stopped on "six" again.

"Why is it six again? Isn't it a coincidence?" Someone in the crowd questioned.

He cast it once and got three sixes, but now He Chen pulled it down, and it was another six. I'm afraid it's not because the dice are tricky!
They made a bet with the proprietress, double the meal fee!
"Absolutely not," the staff assured with a pat on the heart, "If you are worried, you can try it yourself."

"Then I'll try."

As he said that, a big brother wearing a gold necklace stood up. He was tall and thick, with a shaved head. He looked like a dangerous person who should not be messed with.

He held the extremely unsuitable pink dice, shook his palm, and said dismissively: "I have been playing dice for so many years, and I have only seen three of them in the dice cup, like the throwing method just now. It’s unlikely that three sixes will come out by such a coincidence, but I’ll give it a try.”

"Yes, I also think there is a problem!"

After some people raised doubts, the voices of doubts also increased.

The proprietress was afraid that the little cub would be embarrassed, so she wanted to explain a few words, but the big brother Jinlianzi directly waved his hand: "Get out of the way, I'm going to start!"

The crowd of onlookers is nothing but grass.

Just now they fell on Yu Yuanyuan's side, but now they fall on Big Brother Jinlianzi. Wherever there is excitement, that's their position.

He Chen recalled the success before, and had doubts for a moment.

He knelt down and quietly asked Yu Zaizai: "Yuanyuan, what number do you think he will throw out?"

Xiao Zai Zai squatted on the ground to pick the shoelaces: "Three, four, five."

"Hahahahaha, kid, the probability of the three numbers you mentioned is also very low."

Everyone was laughing, but Yu Yuanyuan couldn't figure out what they were laughing at.

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