He Chen was dumbfounded.

Isn't this really a bad joke?
and many more.

If you think about it carefully, there seems to be nothing wrong with it.

Have you ever seen this kind of food intake of a three-year-old child?I haven't seen it anyway.

He Chen felt as if he was affected by the mood in the store just now, and he kept thinking wildly.

Where in this world will there be supernatural powers or something?

Besides, he had been with Yu Yuanyuan for the past two days, and he didn't notice her acting strangely.

Except – super edible.

Forget it, how could he be led astray by the children's thinking.

He Chen hugged the cub and went forward to find a comfortable place to breathe.

Today's weather is not as hot as yesterday, and the sky is covered with gloomy clouds, but it is a bit cold.

Xiao Zaizai drank some water and suddenly muttered to himself, "Yuanyuan is homesick."

That's right, such a small child has been out for two days and one night, and he didn't cry and want to go back. He is already very obedient and obedient.

He Chen compared the difference between Yu Yuanyuan and other children in his memory, and suddenly felt that Xiao Zai Zai's figure grew taller.

"Yuanyuan, you can go home today," He Chen patted her head, "but you won't be able to see me, will you miss me?"

"Ah?" Xiao Zai Zai raised his head in doubt, "I won't be able to see Brother Haoyi in the future?"

"That's not true..." He Chen laughed, "I didn't die either."

The atmosphere was a bit awkward for a while, as if a crow was flying by, and the sensational feeling was gone.

After a while, He Chen patted her on the head and picked up the words again: "We won't meet until next Saturday."

"Oh, I can still see you~~"

Well, you just can't say "miss me", can you?
Xiao Zai Zai is very homesick, thinking that he can leave early if he completes the task sooner, so he stands up after a short break and wants to find someone to do the task.

After a 360-degree sniff with the tip of her nose, Yu Yuanyuan locked on to the target and ran towards the grass not far away.

The cameraman thought she wanted to play on the lawn, and the camera followed her silently until——

Seeing Xiao Zai Zai arrest a man in black.

This dress...? ? ?
The cameraman immediately recognized the person in the RV last night!

Isn't that Yu Jinxiao? ? ?

Yu Jinxiao who was dressed in black looked even more terrifying, especially with his height...

He is taller than He Chen, and the oppression brought by looking down at the camera makes people feel cold all over.

The only person who can ignore this terrifying aura is probably Yu Yuanyuan.

"You howl~" Xiao Zai Zai didn't need Yu Jinxiao's reminder, so he obediently abided by the previous agreement to keep the secret, and did not call Yu Jinxiao "Daddy".

"What's the matter?" The voice of the black-faced god came out of the mask and changed into a more fierce and deep tone.

"Can you throw the dice for Yuanyuan?" Xiao Zaizai picked up three pink dice and handed them in Yu Jinxiao's direction, "Yuanyuan wants 666!"


The casual tone of ordering food made He Chen call "Great God" in his heart.

Yu Jinxiao could "cheat" for her in the previous selection of numbers, but this dice throw... there is almost no possibility of cheating.

He is not a gambler, he can only leave everything to luck.

"Yuanyuan has already thrown 4 666s!" Xiao Zai Zai reported proudly.

Knowing the content of the mission, Yu Jinxiao frowned in disbelief: "You threw 4 666 so quickly?"

"Yes." Proud Zai Zai happily put his hips on his hips, waiting for his father to praise him.

Yu Jinxiao, who had long been accustomed to Yu Yuanyuan's luck, was no longer surprised by it.

Since someone else can throw 666 for her, he must be fine too.

Just as Yu Jinxiao was about to get the dice, he raised the limp cub's paw and shook it, one of which fell to the ground and rolled in front of He Chen.

He Chen helped pick up the dice and put it in Yu Jinxiao's hands, with the same expectation in his eyes as Xiao Zai Zai.

Feeling uncomfortable being photographed by the camera, Yu Jinxiao just wanted to quickly throw 666 to Xiao Zai Zai and retire.

He held the three dice together with one big hand, and threw them on the ground——

Gulu Gulu Gulu, Yu Yuanyuan chased the dice all the way until it stopped completely.

"666!" He Chen had already started to celebrate ahead of time.

A few seconds later, a calm but disappointed voice came from Yu Zaizai: "It's not 666."

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