The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 576 Who's Who!I am your father!

what? ?

He Chen couldn't believe it, so he rushed over to check it himself, and found that it was really not 666, but 314.

Did Yuanyuan's lucky magic fail? ?
The most embarrassing one was Yu Jinxiao.

Not only He Chen, but even the cameraman and the staff thought it must be 666. They were all grown-ups who had seen the world. Yu Zaizai had never missed this kind of extraordinary luck until now, so why did he lose it to himself? Dad.

Yu Jinxiao curled his fingers, a bit unable to accept the result.

Although there are many uncertainties in luck...

But why him?Is he really an invincible unlucky ball in the universe?
"It's okay," Yu Zaizai came over maturely, patted Baba's legs, "Yuanyuan still has organic fertilizer."

Yu Jinxiao: "..." I don't need your comfort! !
Xiao Zaizai, who was eager to do the task, suddenly looked at the camera, his big eyes seemed to be planning something, and he was getting closer and closer.

Finally, that cute big face stopped in front of the camera: "Cameraman Susu, can you help Yuanyuan throw it?"

The cameraman was taken aback: "But, Yuanyuan, I want to take a picture of you."

"It's okay, pull out the big black cannon...give it to this so-and-so." Yu Yuanyuan was about to say something wrong, but when she wanted to change her mouth, she suddenly didn't know how to address Yu Jinxiao, so she just used "so-so" instead .

These two words seemed like two bullets, mercilessly piercing two holes in Yu Jinxiao's already injured heart!
What so and so! ! !
I am your father!
The silent roar made the aura suddenly turn cold, and the cameraman suddenly shivered a little from the cold.

For Yu Jinxiao? ?

He dare not! ! !
The cameraman repeatedly found excuses to refuse, but Xiao Zai Zai just wanted him to throw it.

Seeing that Xiao Yuanyuan had been persuading her for a long time, but the cameraman still refused to agree, He Chen simply crossed in and took the camera directly——

"Mister, please carry it first. The machine is not turned off. If you know how to take pictures, you can just take pictures of this kid."

He Chen just doesn't care about trifles.

The person chosen by Xiao Zai Zai must be the one chosen by heaven, and it will be helpful for them to complete the task! !
He doesn't have this talent, so he has to create the best conditions for Xiao Zai Zai!
People who always pretend to win will be hated by netizens and fans, and he has to contribute.

The camera was forcibly switched to Yu Jinxiao's hands.

The first time he was forced to carry the camera, Yu Jinxiao was still in a daze until a few seconds later.

It seems more embarrassing to just stand, or... also pat on the way?

There is a surveillance camera on the camera, and you can see the footage being shot. Yu Jinxiao intuitively aimed at Xiao Zai Zai, and the filming did not stop.

The cameraman, who has always been behind the scenes, was pushed in front of the camera for the first time.

He lowered his head in embarrassment, took the dice from Yu Yuanyuan himself, and covered his face in embarrassment.

"Yuanyuan, I can't guarantee that it must be 666." The cameraman first vaccinated the little boy.

He has already missed once with Yu Jinxiao, if he fails again, will the little guy cry in depression?
"It's okay~~" Xiao Zai Zai looked relaxed instead, as if he didn't care about the final result.

The cameraman swallowed, held the dice and prayed silently for a few seconds, and separated his palms——

The three dice collided with each other and froze after a second or two.

"Wow—it's three sixes, it's really 666!" The cameraman, who seemed restrained, was so excited that he jumped up a meter high on the spot.

He seemed more excited than He Chen and Xiao Zai Zai.

Yu Jinxiao, who took the picture of this scene, was depressed on the spot.

what happened?

Others are 666, why is he not 666?

Scorned by luck?

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