"I know you~~" Xiao Zai Zai held the bottle, not letting He Chen snatch it away.

He Chen was very skeptical about the three-year-old Zaizai's answer. Did he really know each other, or did he just know him just now?
"Then do you know his name?" He Chen, who was full of defensiveness and jealousy, really wanted to teach Xiao Zai Zai a safety lesson.

"I know~~~"

"What's that called?"

"It's called Shen..." The little boy who was almost entangled in it turned out to be smarter today, "His name is Mysterious Brother~"

"Huh?" He Chen suspected that this was Xiao Zai Zai's imagination!
Who is called mysterious?
Shen Ji, who went to buy tissues, came back, ignored He Chen who was at the side, and took out a tissue with a bear's head printed on it to wipe Cub Zai's face.

In the next second, a small pink comb suddenly appeared to help Xiao Zai Zai comb his messy hair.

It wasn't until now that He Chen suddenly realized a big problem!

Yu Yuanyuan didn't tie her hair up! !
When he got up in the morning, he only cared about dressing himself, completely forgetting that Yu Yuanyuan's hair was not short, and needed to be tied with a rubber band.

On the other hand, Jin Man and Su Zhirui who just rushed over...

He Chen's little heart was severely punched.

Jin Man tied Su Zhirui's beautiful braids with a bow, and must have spent a lot of time in the morning.

Look at yourself!

Yu Yuanyuan's loose hair was blown by the wind like black seaweed, compared to the delicate Su Zhirui, she looked like an unwanted grass.

Woooooo, Yuanyuan, I was wrong! ! !

He Chen almost knelt down and cried for forgiveness.

Although it is a small detail, Yu Yuanyuan is not an ordinary person. If Yu Jinxiao sees this during the broadcast, there is a [-]% chance that he will die!

→_→Hehe, Yu Jinxiao has already seen it, okay?

"Shen..." Xiao Zaizai was just about to speak, when a gust of cold wind blew, blowing Xiao Zaizai's hair all over his face.

Yu Yuanyuan spat out her hair "poof" "poof" for a long time before she grabbed the strands of hair covering her face.

Shen Ji seemed to have noticed her discomfort a long time ago, as if by magic, he conjured up a hair tie with a cat's head.

"Wow! So cute!" Xiao Zai Zai saw the white cat's head and looked at it again and again.

"Yuanyuan, let me tie your hair up for you," Shen Ji said, looking at Su Zhirui who was not far away, and said, "Maybe it won't look good, but if you tie it up, it will be more convenient for you."

"Okay, okay~ Thank you, brother Shen Ji~" As soon as he heard that his hair was going to be tied, Xiao Zai Zai immediately squatted down obediently, leaving his chubby back to him.

He Chen looked envious and jealous.

Although Yu Yuanyuan was very obedient and obedient when she was with him, but he could feel that her "obedience" towards this boy was completely different.

It seems to be trusting and relying on him wholeheartedly, wanting to stick with him all the time.

Obviously yesterday I was still sticky shouting "Brother Delicious", now I ran to play with others!

Xiao Zai Zai's double standard hurt his poor heart.

"Okay, Yuanyuan." Shen Ji is not very proficient in how to tie his hair, but he has put a lot of thought into this ponytail. The seemingly simple hairstyle was combed perfectly by Shen Ji, without any flaws.

"Hehehe~Brother Shen Ji, Yuanyuan will take you to play, okay?" Ever since Shen Ji appeared, Yu Yuanyuan was the only one in Yu Yuanyuan's eyes, and He Chen seemed to have become transparent.

He sat alone on the small bench next to him, folded his arms, and looked resentfully at the boy who snatched away everything Yuanyuan loved.

"Yuanyuan, just now the staff told you to wait here, just sit here obediently." Shen Ji led Yu Yuanyuan to the small bench next to He Chen, just pushed the little boy back to sit, and turned around , the corner of the clothes was pulled again.

"Brother Shen Ji, don't go~" the pouting Xiao Zai Zai felt aggrieved.

When He Chen saw Xiao Zai Zai's eccentricity up close, his heart was full of old blood.

Yu Jinxiao, who was watching from a distance, also recognized Shen Ji, and a mouthful of old blood also rushed to his heart.

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