The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 583 Yu Jinxiao's Ex-wife

I have never seen that little cub pulling him so reluctantly, not letting him go!
Yu Jinxiao suddenly had the illusion that he had fallen out of favor.

How long have we been apart?
If he hadn't followed, wouldn't Xiao Zai Zai not even remember who he was when he returned home after recording the show?
Shen Ji didn't agree, coaxed Xiao Zai Zai, and retreated to a farther position so as not to interfere with the shooting.

It is now half past four in the afternoon.

When it was five o'clock, He Chen was about to set off to rush to the production crew. He might not be able to wait for the next short section of filming, so he could only leave it to Yu Yuanyuan alone.

He Chen felt that it was necessary to deepen their relationship with Yu Yuanyuan before leaving, otherwise when the next episode was filmed, everything they had accumulated in the past two days might return to zero.

"Yuanyuan, when we meet next time, I'll bring you chocolate and cake, how about it?" In two days, He Chen had figured out the weakness of the little boy, and chatted with her with food.

Yu Yuanyuan, who was looking at Shen Ji, suddenly shifted her gaze to He Chen: "Okay, okay!!"

Looking at that happy little face, He Chen was finally satisfied and nodded.

The recording of He Chen and Yu Yuanyuan's team was almost over, and the staff brought over the mobile phone they kept before.

When seeing that square object, Yu Yuanyuan suddenly remembered something, and slapped it with her claws.

"Brother delicious~ Let's exchange telegraph numbers~" Yu Yuanyuan suggested happily.

"Okay, okay." He Chen, who wanted to please Xiao Zai Zai, nodded blindly.

After saving each other's numbers, the atmosphere suddenly became a little different.

Yu Yuanyuan's excitement and happiness went up to another level: "That's great, this way, I can go and watch Brother Haoyi's filming!"

what! ! !How could he have forgotten this! !

"'s not too...just...the crew...there is a person...that..." He Chen became nervous, his mouth seemed to be covered with dates, and he couldn't speak clearly.

He desperately sorted out which excuse was appropriate in his mind, but Yu Yuanyuan shot him every time he said it, which made his forehead sweat more and more.

However, he couldn't tell the reason for the real scruples in his heart! ! !
He Chen felt hot all over, sweat dripped from his head, his mind was spinning rapidly, and he had never used his brain like this before.

Seeing that Brother Haoyi was silent suddenly, Xiao Zaizai stared at him for a while, then lowered his head sadly: "Brother Haomei doesn't want Yuanyuan to go? Are you afraid that Yuanyuan will be mischievous?"

"Ah, this..." Of course not!

"Yuanyuan is very obedient, and Yuanyuan won't be naughty." As he said that, the little guy shrunk down, not to mention his aggrieved appearance.

The little red ball curled up on the small bench, looking at him from bottom to top with aggrieved eyes.

Eyes filled with water mist quietly looked at He Chen, as if he was about to cry in sadness and disappointment.

It's over!It would be a dead end if Yu Yuanyuan was made to cry! !

"No, no," He Chen hurriedly hugged Yu Yuanyuan to comfort him, "I welcome Yuanyuan very much!"

"Then... when Yuanyuan wants to go, she can call Brother Haoyi, okay?"

He is an adult, but it is so difficult to reject a child.

He Chen tiredly gave up struggling, nodded: "Okay."

"Brother delicious, don't miss Yuanyuan's call."

"Will not."

"Hey hey." The mist in Yu Zaizai's eyes disappeared instantly.

He Chen was like a salted fish walking upright, leaning on the uncoordinated little bench.

Of course he didn't dare to ignore Yu Yuanyuan, after all, he had to record later, but if he took her to the set...

It's easier to get into trouble!

Her mother... No, it should be said that Yu Jinxiao's ex-wife He Yitong was in the same crew as him.

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