The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 584 The Secret of 3 People

This costume drama is actually the main heroine drama, He Yitong is the heroine, and He Chen plays her younger brother in it, a supporting role.

People in the production team joked before that they happened to have the same last name, and they happened to play siblings in the play.

But only He Chen knew how difficult it was to act with this actress.

He himself is not very good at acting, sometimes he can't cry, and if he wants to order some eye drops, He Yitong will scold him for not being professional enough.

As a junior in the industry, how could He Chen dare to refute, it was indeed his own fault.

He didn’t dare to drop the eye drops anymore. He tried a few more times and couldn’t cry, so he had to ask his assistant to pinch a few blood marks on his calf. In the end, the pain and grievance were mixed before he finally cried out. His leg was bruised several times. God, it almost affected the magazine shooting.

He Yitong's acting skills are good, and it's often a one-off, but others can't.

Every time a multiplayer scene is repeated several times, when the director calls cut, her face will be particularly ugly, as if looking down on them, a group of rookies who can't go through it once.

In terms of acting skills, looks, and figure, He Yitong has nothing wrong with it, and anyone would praise her as a professional.

But in private, other actors in the crew would quietly speak ill of her behind her back.

It's okay to be professional and efficient, but He Yitong is not very easy to get in touch with in private, he hardly talks and jokes with others, and always stays quietly by himself.

He Chen also noticed several times that when she was upset, the way she looked at people was particularly scary... It reminded him of beasts that would attack people.

After silently recalling He Yitong's character in his mind, He Chen became even more desperate.

She should also know that Yu Jinxiao adopted a girl, would she think that Yu Jinxiao brought Yuanyuan back because he wanted to replace his dead daughter?

This woman's temper is very unpredictable, if she loses her temper on Yuanyuan, that Yuanyuan will be too pitiful!
Moreover, they are also acting as siblings, and they have a lot of roles in the same frame. If Yuanyuan came to the crew, she might be bumped into by He Yitong.

He Chenguang just imagined the scene where Yu Yuanyuan and He Yitong bumped into each other, and then imagined the scene where sparks hit the earth, and he was in a bad mood.

Here, He Chen became depressed and became a mushroom.

After exchanging numbers, the little boy at the other end quietly ran to find Shen Ji and chatted with him happily.

Several times Shen Ji wanted her to go back and sit obediently, but Xiao Zai Zai just wanted to be with him.

Shen Ji had nothing to do with her, so he squatted down and gave her his legs to sit on.

"Brother Shen Ji, what you are wearing today is a little different than usual," Xiao Zaizai sat on Shen Ji's lap, with his claws gently supporting his shoulders, "Brother Shen Ji used to like to wear white clothes, but today Dressed in black, just like Dad."

Um?Did he hear correctly?
Shen Ji felt as if he had heard some special information, and lowered his voice to confirm: "Mr. Yu... your father is here too?"

Thinking about it carefully, there seems to be nothing wrong with the father following his daughter to record the show.

It's just that he followed Yuanyuan for so long, why didn't he find out?
"Yes, yes," Xiao Zai Zai nodded, and whispered in Shen Ji's ear, "But Ba Ba said that he can't tell others, he came quietly."

Shen Ji understood, with Yu Jinxiao's temper, he didn't want others to know that he was so nervous about his daughter, that he was so nervous that he wanted to follow him himself.

In the eyes of others, he has always been indifferent and arrogant, making such a cute contrast will embarrass Yu Jinxiao.

"Then Yuanyuan must be kept secret." Shen Ji was suddenly a little worried about Yu Jinxiao, could a three-year-old really keep it a secret?

"Okay, okay, Yuanyuan only told Brother Shen Ji," said Xiao Zhuozhao, raising his hand and pointing, "Look, Baba is still pinching."

Yu Jinxiao, who had been paying attention to Xiao Zai Zai and Shen Ji, suddenly met two eyes.

When Shen Ji looked over, Yu Jinxiao had already guessed that the secret between him and Xiao Zai Zai had become a secret of three people.

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