The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 587 Did You Really Find Someone By That Way?

Chapter 587 Did You Really Find Someone By That Way?
Yu Jinxiao knew that Shen Ji was not asleep and could see it in the rearview mirror.

Of course, Shen Ji also knew that Yu Jinxiao couldn't fall asleep, if he fell asleep, the whole car would be in danger.

The two people who knew each other was still awake, but didn't say a word, mixed with the sound of Yu Yuanyuan's milky breathing, the embarrassment in the car swelled more and more obvious.

In the end, Yu Jinxiao felt that the inside of the car was a bit suffocated, so he rolled down the window a little.

The whirling wind blew in, blowing Yu Yuanyuan's hair fluttering, and Xiao Zai Zai sneezed uncontrollably.

I thought the little guy would wake up after sneezing, but she just tilted her head back vigorously, pressed her hair down and continued to fall asleep.

"Mr. Yu, the wind seems a bit strong..." Shen Ji looked at the frowning little Zai Zai and reminded him softly.

In the next second, more than half of the car window went up, leaving only a small gap.

There was another silence, and finally a voice came from the front row: "When did you come?"

Of course Shen Ji knew what Yu Jinxiao meant, and replied, "This morning, the earliest bus."

Yu Jinxiao, who had no idea about the shift, calculated based on the distance he drove, and he knew how long it would take Shen Ji to come here.

At least five hours.

"Are you interested in filming the show?" Yu Jinxiao casually asked and chatted in Shen Ji's ears, more like testing his purpose.

Clearing his throat, Shen Ji glanced at the little guy who was sleeping beside him: "I saw that video on the Internet last night."

"Video?" Yu Jinxiao was confused now.

This little boy is filming a show, and he doesn't have a mobile phone to use, so what kind of video can he make?
Could it be a video related to He Chen?
Last night, he came across a trending search about He Chen, all of which were scolding him for being a big name and rejecting group photos of fans with a bad attitude. Yu Jinxiao only read the entry, but didn't click to see the specific content.

Hearing Yu Jinxiao's doubts, Shen Ji explained: "Last night, He Chen had a video that was trending. It was when he and Yuanyuan were recording the video together that he met fans."

"Although it was just passing by, I saw Yuanyuan... was pushed down by them and almost stepped on."



Not only Yu Jinxiao, when Shen Ji mentioned that video, his voice was as cold as ice in the abyss.

Bitter cold, sharp as a sword.

"I was a little worried that Yuanyuan would be bullied, so I just wanted to watch it, and I didn't want to disturb the filming of the show." Shen Ji sensed that the atmosphere between the two of them seemed too sharp, and changed the topic to a lighter topic, "But no. Knowing why, Yuanyuan found me right away."

As he said that, he raised his hand to touch his coat and hat, regretting that he should add a mask, like Mr. Xueyu's, it should be foolproof.

Yu Jinxiao, who watched Shen Ji from time to time in the rearview mirror, saw through his thoughts at a glance: "It's useless to wear a mask."


"I also wore a mask yesterday, and just after I caught up with her, I was caught by that little Douding."

The thought that Shen Ji just came to mind was strangled to death by himself: "Why?"

Yu Jinxiao remained expressionless: "I also want to know why."

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Yu Jinxiao suddenly thought of what Xiao Zai Zai said before.

Could it be that she really came to find someone in that way?

(End of this chapter)

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