The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 588 Almost 1 point

Chapter 588
Yu Yuanyuan said before that she could smell different smells on the twins.

At that time, Yu Jinxiao even asked him what he smelled like.

Xiao Zai Zai said sweetly that it was the taste of home.

Thinking about it now, maybe... it's really not some kind of secondary school saying, but her sense of smell is sharper than ordinary people?

If we push it further, it can be traced back to the incident at the seaside.

Yu Yuanyuan also came here suddenly and without warning, as if she had a clear goal.

If this is true, what kind of sense of smell does it have to have such an effect? ?
Could it be that this little cub has become some bark monster?

As soon as the childish and unrestrained thoughts popped up, they were cut off by the mature Yu Jinxiao on the spot.

He doesn't believe in any monsters.

If I have to say it, it must be Yu Yuanyuan's excellence.

After a few brief chats, the atmosphere in the car was no longer oppressive, but rather relaxed.

The rickety car body was similar to a baby's cradle, Shen Ji felt a little sleepy after sitting for a while, and gradually closed his eyes.

His head slowly leaned against the side of the children's chair, gently touching the edge, not sleeping deeply but at ease.

Yu Yuanyuan, who was originally holding her head up and her small mouth open, seemed to have a tired neck, and squinted her eyes to change positions.

But if you lean to the left, your head will stick to the car window, and every time it shakes, you will be hit hard, and your brain will feel uncomfortable.

The little cub, who was driven entirely by instinct, buried his head in sleep for another two seconds, but after a while... Wow, his neck is so sore that he seems to be about to fall!

Yuanyuan can't be brainless!

Xiao Zai Zai, who was groping by feeling, closed his eyes and switched his head to the right.

It seems that there is something sticking to me, warm and crispy, hehehe, so I can sleep well.

In the process of looking for an angle, Yu Yuanyuan didn't really wake up, and immediately fell asleep again after leaning on Shen Ji's head.

Seeing Shen Ji falling asleep in the rearview mirror, Yu Jinxiao secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

If it wasn't for this little cub, he wouldn't want to talk politely to others, making him feel uncomfortable.

Perhaps it should be said that if it wasn't for this little cub, he wouldn't have spent so much time traveling long distances!
It was a three-hour drive back to Jiangcheng, and at least it took him to get home after dark.

After Shen Ji fell asleep, Yu Jinxiao didn't have to think about chatting with him anymore, he just had to concentrate on driving.

Worried that Xiao Zai Zai would be hungry in the car, Yu Jinxiao originally bought some snacks and food in advance and put them in the passenger seat.

But after getting in the car, Yu Yuanyuan never woke up, and fell asleep in the back seat.

It seems that filming the show is really tiring, and Yu Jinxiao is a little tired after walking for a day, let alone the little glutinous rice balls.

Shen Ji sleeps very quietly, even quieter than Yu Yuanyuan, sometimes Yu Jinxiao suspects that there are only two of them left in the car.

On the other hand, right behind the seat, there would be a little piggy-like humming sound from time to time, and it would also hiss and talk in sleep.

You don't need to ask, you know, this little glutinous rice ball must be dreaming about something delicious.

"Hehehe, I want to eat~~ Can I have a bite for Yuanyuan?" Just as he was thinking, a dream from the back row floated over.

Yu Jinxiao glanced at the rearview mirror——

It's okay if you don't look at it, but it lifts his heart when he looks at it.

The sleeping Yu Yuanyuan's head slid out of the backrest, almost pressing on Shen Ji's head, and there was a string of crystals at the corner of the smiling mouth, slowly approaching Shen Ji's shoulder.

Just a little bit, just a little bit, Shen Ji's clothes will suffer!

(End of this chapter)

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