Chapter 599
Yu Yuanyuan didn't know what was going on there, but when she saw someone waving at her, she waved her paw suspiciously.

Seeing her response, everyone screamed excitedly and jumped like children in place.

Entering the recording area, Xiao Zai Zai immediately called He Chen.

Today, He Chen picked it up very quickly. In less than five minutes, he appeared in front of Yu Yuanyuan with a fluttering white dress.

Completely different from He Chen in the show, he was dressed in white clothes fluttering in ancient costumes, with light makeup on his face, long hair fluttering on his shoulders in the wind, and he had an extraordinary chivalrous air.

Xiao Zai Zai, who had never seen ancient costumes before, let out a "wow" and struggled to get off the ground.

As soon as Gao Zhou put her back on the ground, Yu Yuanyuan, like a piece of small potato, came to He Chen with a grunt, and grabbed his clothes.

"Wow, it's so delicious!" Xiao Zai Zai stammered for a long time, barely thinking of an adjective that could express admiration.

Hearing someone describe himself as "beautiful", He Chen couldn't help but laugh, and held up the little boy's fleshy claws: "Yuanyuan, look, this is the crew, I usually film here."

There are a lot of actors on the set, some are extras and some are bigger, you can almost tell their level at a glance.

Gao Zhou put his hands behind his back and silently followed behind Yu Yuanyuan, pretending to be a transparent person without saying a word.

He Chen also just greeted him briefly, and only talked to Xiao Zai Zai.

"Wow, that machine is the big black cannon we used to shoot the show?"

"That sister's clothes are so beautiful."

"Wow, that brother is flying!"

Xiao Zaizai was led by He Chen along the road, and he would sigh excitedly every time he saw something, and he was very interested in every little thing.

The small Yu Yuanyuan can only see a little bit of the scene with a wide field of vision. When she got to the shooting area, a large group of people surrounded her, and she could only see rows of legs.

Gao Zhou was about to go up and ask if he wanted to hug Yuanyuan up to watch, when He Chen picked up the cub and put it on his neck.

Gao Zhou who was robbed of his business: "..." His fist hardened.

"Brother delicious, why can that brother fly?"

"Because he is tied with a rope, the machine will pull him up and he will fly."

"Yuanyuan wants to fly too!"

"That won't work. Yuanyuan is too small. When Yuanyuan grows up, she can fly."

"Alright, then Yuanyuan will work hard to grow up."

Cub, who was a little afraid of heights, lay on top of He Chen's head, looking at the high place of Wia and the actors flying around, showing an expression of extreme longing.

She stared blankly for a long time, quietly like a well-behaved kitten.

He Chen originally thought she was asleep, but every time he spoke, Xiao Zai Zai would respond.

It turned out that the little guy was very interested in filming, and he was serious about watching it.

"Yuanyuan, would you like to visit the room where I rest?" He Chen was afraid that she would get tired from watching, so he proposed, "I have someone prepare cakes and drinks."

"Okay, okay." Upon hearing that there was food, Xiao Zai Zai clapped excitedly on He Chen's shoulder.

He Chen turned the little boy around, and took Yu Yuanyuan to his exclusive rest room, followed by Gao Zhou.

Probably because He Chen's cafe is not small, and the rest room allocated to him is quite large. It is in a relatively quiet place, and it is cleaned very cleanly. There are more than a dozen sets of costumes hanging in the room.

Yu Yuanyuan was fascinated by the beautiful ancient costumes, touching one by one, and the "wow" in her mouth never stopped.

After visiting the lounge, Xiao Zai Zai sat on a chair and ate. There was a big table full of cakes and several kinds of drinks.

Gao Zhou glanced at it casually, and knew that He Chen specially prepared it, and it was Yu Yuanyuan's favorite food and drink.

As if she had returned to her own home, Yu Yuanyuan was not polite to He Chen, one big and one small were able to chit chat.

"Wow, this cake is delicious, can Yuanyuan take three of them and put them in her schoolbag?" The excited little boy pointed to one of them, and asked He Chen with sparkling eyes.

He Chen nodded without thinking: "Sure, this is individually packaged, and it should be able to be stored for a while."

The little cub who got permission, like a hamster hoarding food, stuffed three small bags into the school bag, and continued to unpack the bags to eat.

"He Chen, I have a gift from you." There was a knock on the door, it was a gift from a fan sent by the staff.

He Chen took it casually, untied the ribbon on the outer packaging, and opened the shell——

After seeing the contents clearly, the box in He Chen's hand rolled to the ground in fright.

(End of this chapter)

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