The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 600 Babies, Don't Cry, It's Mom

Chapter 600 Babies, Don't Cry, It's Mom

Inside a delicate pink box, there was actually a scarf and a book in blood.

That blood book seemed to be really written in blood, it was full of words of admiration for He Chen, it could be seen that the person who wrote these contents was not in a normal state of mind.

In an instant, the small room smelled strongly of blood, and He Chen's face became paler and paler.

Gao Zhou, who was the first to react, quickly put away the contents of the box to avoid being seen by Xiao Zai Zai: "I'll take it and throw it away."

"Thank you." He Chen squeezed out a pale smile, and subconsciously glanced in Xiao Zai Zai's direction.

The place where the box fell just now, Yu Yuanyuan probably didn't see the contents inside, but luckily she didn't scare her.

He Chen put his trembling fingers on the tip of his nose and sniffed. It seemed that even his own fingers were stained with a terrible smell of blood.

"Brother Yuyi, what's the matter?" the little cub, who was shaking his legs, tilted his head in doubt.

"It''s okay, Yuanyuan, you can continue to eat, I'll wash your hands, don't go away." He Chen tried his best to pretend that nothing happened, closed the door of the lounge, and quickly went to the bathroom.

Cub, who was left alone, sniffed the surroundings, and suddenly there seemed to be an unpleasant smell, even the scent of the cake was destroyed.

Xiao Zai Zai smelled more and more uncomfortable, the cake in his hand was no longer fragrant, and he even felt a little breathless.

The lounge has no windows and is a closed space. The smell of blood is trapped in this small room and circulates endlessly.

The dizzy little Zai Zai pushed open the door, and walked into the corridor with a big gulp of fresh air, his little head was dizzy.

From time to time, when staff members walked by, Yu Yuanyuan would obediently step aside to make way for those busy adults.

Everyone here seems to be in a hurry, there will be a gust of wind when walking, and if you accidentally stand in the middle, you may be hit.

Xiao Zai Zai was like a kitten abandoned on the side of the road, hugging his knees and curled up in a daze in front of a door, staring anxiously at the door of the lounge room diagonally opposite.

After resting outside for a while, Yu Yuanyuan opened the door and was about to go in——

No, it smells bad!It smells so bad I'm about to throw up!
Cub Zai, who has a more sensitive sense of smell than ordinary people, smells N times more than He Chen and Gao Zhou. The smell made Yu Yuanyuan dizzy, and he instinctively wanted to keep a distance from that room.

The little cub who was just about to go back was smoked a little further, and now she could smell the bloody smell coming from under the door even as she squatted at the door.

The poor little Tudou squatted into a round lump, obediently cat at the door of the innermost room, waiting motionlessly for Brother Haoyue and Gao Susu Fatty to come.

Hey, the cake and juice are still being made in the room, she hasn't eaten two yet, what a pity.

But the one in the room smelled so bad that she couldn't even eat her favorite cake.

Yu Yuanyuan sighed, laying her head on her arms, staring at the ants crawling in the corner in a daze.

Just when Xiao Zaizai was getting distracted, the closed door behind her suddenly creaked open, the room was dimly lit, and only a figure could barely be seen coming behind her.

Yu Yuanyuan was about to stand up when she heard the movement, suddenly, she felt someone grab her arm, and a force dragged her into the room.

The frightened little cub struggled with his arms and whimpered, "Who is it, woo woo, don't grab Yuanyuan, don't."

A gentle palm gently covered Yu Yuanyuan's mouth: "Zai Zai, don't cry, it's mom."

(End of this chapter)

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