Chapter 601
The door snapped shut.

In the quiet room, there were only two quiet breathing sounds.

The struggling Yu Yuanyuan calmed down obediently, and asked softly, "Is it really Mama?"

"Yes, Zai Zai," a pair of arms came up from behind, hugging the little Zai Zai tightly, "Mom finally sees you, my Zai Zai."

It's Mama's voice!It's really messy!

Although it has been a long, long time since I heard the sound of the leopard cat Ma Ma, for Xiao Zai Zai, this is a sound that he will never forget in his life.

It's Mama's voice!

The excited little cub burst into tears, struggled to turn around, stretched out his arms and rushed to hug him: "Mama, Yuanyuan misses you!!"

"Oh, are you thinking about it? Then you have the guts to sneak away by yourself without even saying hello!"

Yu Zaizai, who was suddenly overturned, stopped crying, shrank his neck quietly, and curled up obediently in Ma Ma's arms without moving.

After waiting for a long time, the guilty little Zaizai quietly looked up.

Mothers in this world are human too!
Fortunately, her sigh was only in her heart, and she didn't really say it out.

The face in front of her is the Mama that Yu Yuanyuan has seen several times on Baba's phone, and it is also the Mama in her memory!
"In the future, you are not allowed to run away by yourself. No matter what you do, you must tell Ma Ma, remember?" He Yitong was wearing high heels, squatting down and stroking the little boy's head with difficulty.

Yu Yuanyuan nodded her head: "Yuanyuan can be obedient."

The conversation between one big and one small came to an abrupt end, and after a few seconds, the usually dull and silly little boy suddenly became smarter.

"Mama, how do you remember Yuanyuan!!!"

Since coming to this world, neither Ba Ba nor his elder brother knew her, but how could Ma Ma remember her?

Xiao Zai Zai thought that Ma Ma couldn't recognize himself.

He Yitong's calf was sore from squatting in high heels, so he simply sat on the sofa beside him, patted him, and motioned for Xiao Zai Zai to come and sit down.

The little ball-like guy obediently followed, curled up next to Ma Ma's belly, motionless.

Originally, she thought that Ma Ma would beat Meow to such an extent that Mao Mao flew around.

But it's so strange, Ma Ma seems... not as angry as expected?

"You lived with Dad, right?" He Yitong asked while stroking her daughter's hairy head.

"Yes duck."

The feeling of Xiao Zai Zai cuddling up to her obediently made He Yitong feel happy and unreal.

In fact, she was very angry when she knew that Xiao Zai Zai sneaked away to find her father in the book world.

He also secretly vowed that after finding Xiao Zai Zai, he must give her a good meal, so that she would remember not to run around and make people worry.

But now...

She felt that Xiao Zai Zai's departure was more like saving their family.

After his father entered the world of books and experienced disasters, Xiao Zaizai quietly entered the world of books to find his father because he missed his father.

The baby sister was gone, and the brothers couldn't sit still anymore, and immediately entered the world of the book.

In the end, the leopard cat who knew the news angrily planned to bring these cubs back next to each other to teach them a lesson.

At this time, a terrible change suddenly took place in Wonderland.

The world that allowed them to live in peace and security for tens of thousands of years, on a certain night, erupted with a terrifying light.

The world gradually disintegrated into chaos, and the small animals in the fairyland fled wherever they could, including the leopard cat Ma Ma who was left behind.

He Yitong, who originally planned to find the cubs, took advantage of the situation and hid in the world of books. From that moment on, she will receive a thing called "system" and keep chatting with her in her mind.

(End of this chapter)

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