The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 604 That's Yuanyuan Mama

Chapter 604 That's Yuanyuan Mama

Yu Yuanyuan has heard "forever" several times, but only one "forever" is enough to be scary, and there are several forevers in a row, which Yu Yuanyuan dare not even think about.

Even if they were separated for a short while, she would knock on the level and want to get out, but how could she accept that she would never see Baba again!

It's not just Yu Jinxiao, according to the original plot, Yu Yingze and Yu Mingxi didn't die well in the end. It can be said that no one in the Yu family survived well in the original plot.

He Yitong had to measure a delicate degree.

You can neither let Yu Jinxiao and the cubs die in this world, nor let them go back before the fairyland recovers...

She must find a way to break through all difficulties so that their family can survive in this world.

"Ma Ma, Yuanyuan will definitely save her!" To cheer himself up, Xiao Zai Zai clapped his heart loudly to assure himself.

If Zai Zai was older, He Yitong would probably believe that she had the ability to change everything.

But... three years old... still looks like a little potato...

When He Yitong thought of pinning his hopes on Xiao Zai Zai, his temples couldn't stop throbbing and hurting.

Even if it seems unreliable, she has no other choice.

"Okay, Zai Zai, let's work hard together!!!" He Yitong picked up Yu Yuanyuan and walked around the room.

"Miss Yuanyuan? Where are you, Miss Yuanyuan?"

"Yuanyuan! Yuanyuan, are you in the bathroom?"

Gao Zhou and He Chen's shouts sounded outside the room, interrupting the intoxicated grand plan of the mother and daughter.

"Yuanyuan, if you told someone about my system...would it be..." He Chen suddenly showed an evil smile after hearing the sound outside.

As long as she didn't say it personally, since she can tell Yu Yuanyuan, let Zai Zai go...

"Do you want Yuanyuan to try?" Xiao Zai Zai eagerly wanted to try.

He Yitong nodded, suddenly thought of something, and pulled Xiao Zai Zai back: "Zai Zai, mother may involuntarily tell some lies, don't believe those bad lies, mother will always love you."

"Yuanyuan is too." Xiao Zai Zai, who suddenly received love, rushed forward and hugged Ma Ma firmly.

The mother and daughter quietly enjoyed the final two-person world. A few seconds later, He Yitong quickly grabbed Xiao Zai Zai's hand, opened her phone watch, and stored her phone number on it.

To avoid causing trouble, the name He Yitong left behind is a code name: Leopard Cat Ma.

Anyway, it's good that Xiao Zai Zai can understand that meaning.

After the mother and daughter got ready, He Yitong pretended to be unhappy and opened the door, allowing the cub to go out.

Gao Zhou and He Chen were anxiously looking for someone outside the corridor.

As soon as he heard movement behind him, Qi Qi turned around and looked this way.

When he found out that she had come out of He Yitong's lounge, He Chen's face instantly turned pale with fright, as if he had finished a whole box of powder.

"Yuanyuan!" He Chen quickly ran forward, as if leading her away from some dangerous environment, and quickly retreated a few meters away.

When He Yitong walked out of the room, his aura was completely different, and he looked like two completely different people from when he was with Xiao Zai Zai before.

"Husband...Miss He." Gao Zhou almost called him by the name he was used to before.

Impatient eyes swept over Gao Zhou, He Yitong crossed his arms, looked indifferently at Yu Yuanyuan who was standing aside: "Don't let the children run around."

"Yes." Gao Zhou, who was used to being respectful to He Yitong, nodded repeatedly.

The door of the room was slammed shut, and just by the sound, one could tell how angry he was.

After making sure that He Yitong's lounge hadn't been opened again, He Chen quietly returned to his lounge with the cub, and put her on the sofa.

"Yuanyuan, are you okay? Um... Did sister bully you?"

Xiao Zai Zai shook his head, suddenly remembered the experiment discussed with Ma Ma, and said, "That is round Ma Ma, Ma Ma has a system to pinch~"

(End of this chapter)

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