The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 605 Do you still want to shoot

Chapter 605 Do you still want to shoot

He Chen and Gao Zhou squatted beside the sofa, frowning suspiciously.

They only saw that the little cub's mouth seemed to be moving, but they couldn't hear anything.

Yu Yuanyuan also found out...

It was the feeling when the mouth was glued before!
It seems that she can't tell Ma Ma's secret, hey.

Gao Zhou saw Xiao Zai Zai's mouth moving for a long time, but did not make a sound, so he thought she was being stimulated by something.

Gao Zhou was so frightened that he quickly brought over the juice and delivered it directly to Xiao Zai Zai's mouth.

Yu Yuanyuan calmly took a few breaths, then sighed maturely.

This bad world has restrictions on both her and Ma Ma!

However, at least the world didn't force her to say or do what she didn't want to say, she was much better than Ma Ma's situation.

"Yuanyuan, you can't run around, the crew is very big, and there are many people..." He Chen almost instinctively reminded him, but as he talked, what did he think it meant?

What he feared the most had already happened, so everything he said was useless!
"There is a bad smell in this room. Yuanyuan doesn't like rice, and wants to go outside to breathe the good-smelling air." Seeing their nervousness, Yu Yuanyuan knew that she had frightened Brother Haomei and Gao Susu, hanging down The head explained obediently.

He Chen suddenly thought of the blood book just now, and suddenly realized.

It turned out that Yuanyuan didn't run around on purpose, she just didn't like the smell!

Moreover, He Yitong's rest room was not far from his rest room, Yuanyuan was right, but his fault was that he shouldn't have gone out alone and left Yuanyuan in a room that smelled of blood.

"Yuanyuan, why don't we sit somewhere else? I'll be filming later, do you want to go and see?"

"Okay, okay."

He Chen, in fluttering white clothes, is holding a modern-looking human cub. This picture actually has a subtle and beautiful feeling.

"He Chen, the director said that the next scene should be shot first." The staff brought some parts and showed him the content of the filming later, "Do you want to prepare?"

"it is good."

Adjusting the order of shots is a common thing, but...

The scene that was suddenly advanced was a crying scene.

It is very difficult for He Chen to make a crying scene every time. It takes a long time to brew before he can cry, and sometimes he needs to be dripped with eye drops.

In this scene, he was seriously injured, and even his best friend betrayed him, causing his family to be ruined... as miserable as it could be.

Just by reading the script, you know that this is a very heart-piercing scene, which requires not only a few tears, but also emotional embellishment and outward expression.

If the sad atmosphere is not in place, it is absolutely impossible for the director to pass.

Originally, He Chen just wanted to bring Xiao Zai Zai here for a casual look, for example to see him show coercion, see him flaunting his white clothes and playing handsome.

In the end, he wanted to watch him cry when he came here? !
In case of being scolded in front of Xiao Zai Zai, wouldn't it be embarrassing to death?
When this idea came out, He Chen suddenly became nervous, brewing and brewing——


Nervous, apprehensive, no one will fall.

Yu Yuanyuan and Gao Zhou stood in the best view, especially Xiao Zai Zai, she was looking forward to seeing He Chen filming.

Seeing the moment when he took the picture, He Chen's white clothes were dotted with white blood. He was "severely injured" lying on the ground in pain, and wanted to confront his "friend" who was about to kill him.

However, after correcting the lines several times back and forth, He Chen was too nervous, and couldn't squeeze out tears at all, and even the emotion of the conversation became unnatural.

"He Chen, what's the matter with you? Didn't I give you time to prepare?" The director frowned, his face was dark, and he asked loudly, which made He Chen tremble, "Even if you can't cry, this mood is not right. Well, the lines are still stuttering... Do you still want to shoot?"

(End of this chapter)

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