The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 606 Sharkman Is Wrong

Chapter 606 Sharkman Is Wrong
He Chen was scolded all over his head and face. Although he felt wronged, he knew that his performance just now was very bad.

Usually, the director is already very dependent on him, and won't say anything about eye drops or anything.

But the shot just now was very important, and it was a long shot, which required He Chen to perform that unbelievable grief and indignation, and also required tears to slide out of his eyes just when the camera was pushed up.

For He Chen's acting skills, this was a great test, especially since Xiao Zai Zai was still looking at him today, which made He Chen feel a lot of pressure.

"Forget it, take a break for 15 minutes before continuing." The director has been tortured by many scenes today and has a headache, and He Chen's abnormal performance made him even more angry.

He Chen, who wanted to make a good impression in front of Xiao Zai Zai, felt that his face was hot and his face was gone, but he was really ashamed.

Seeing Brother He Chen walking towards her, Yu Yuanyuan frowned, and rushed forward to grab his clothes: "Brother Yuyi, that...why is that Susu so hot!"

The little round ball by the leg looked even more wronged than him, pouted angrily, and had red eyes.

Someone was more sad than himself, but it made He Chenyan so depressed.

He forced a smile, and hugged Xiao Zai Zai: "Because my acting wasn't good enough just now."

"But... But Yuanyuan thinks it's pretty good, really." The fleshy little claws unconsciously patted He Chen's shoulder, the light weight gave heavy comfort.

He Chen suddenly laughed, as if the dark clouds in his heart were pushed away by the sun: "Thank you Yuanyuan, then I have to work harder to become better!"

"It's delicious, bro!"

With the little guy's comfort and encouragement, He Chen's chaotic mood improved a lot. He took a deep breath and continued to brew his mood with Yuanyuan.

Even though he was sitting on a chair with his eyes closed and not speaking, Yu Yuanyuan still leaned obediently in his arms, not moving or making noise or asking why.

Gao Zhou was allocated an unused deck chair, as if on vacation at the beach, with his arms under his head, resting leisurely.

Fifteen minutes later, the director motioned for everyone to take their seats, and shooting began again.

Before the filming started, the director had a private meeting with He Chen, talked with him about the effect he wanted, and guided him how to adjust his mood and expression.

He Chen nodded while listening, remembering every word in his heart, but whether he can do still unknown.

Xiao Zai Zai squatted beside the chair Gao Zhou was lying on, and watched He Chen's filming carefully from the gap between a pile of feet.

It turns out that filming is so fun!
There are a lot of big black cannons, and there are thin threads that make people fly, and the clothes they wear are also beautiful.

Everything on the set is full of strong freshness for Xiao Zai Zai.


With a word that Xiao Zai Zai couldn't understand, all the big black cannons were aimed in the direction of Brother Hao.

The person standing in front of Brother Hao Hao was speaking his lines. Xiao Zai Zai couldn't hear clearly at first, so he squatted and moved forward a little.

"You must die today." The man held up a sword that was shining with cold light, and pointed the sharp point at He Chen's neck.

There was blood on the corner of He Chen's mouth, and there were tears in his eyes, but the eyes were not red at all, and it didn't look very real.

But the director had no choice, he felt that what he asked of He Chen seemed to be difficult for others.

"Why did you do this?" He Chen asked word by word while covering his heart.

Before there was a line to be said in a hurry, suddenly a small khaki-colored ball rolled in from the corner of the eye, and hit He Chen's heart with a puff.

"Don't kill brother Meimei, wow! Don't wow! Sharkman is wrong!" A loud cry exploded at the scene.

(End of this chapter)

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