The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 706 One operation is as fierce as a tiger, and one look at the clothes is full of dirt

Chapter 706 The operation is as fierce as a tiger, and the clothes are full of dirt
"Yuanyuan made her clothes dirty." Xiao Zai Zai Zai Zai's mouth trembled as he spoke, as if he was so sad that he was about to cry.

Yu Jinxiao wiped her little dirty face with a towel, and said indifferently: "It's normal for children to fall, but you just happened to fall into the muddy water. If there was no muddy water, would you be fine if you got up?"

" seems to be da." Being fooled by her father's words, Yu Yuanyuan's sadness eased a little bit.

"However, if we walk more carefully in the future, we can avoid falling down." The towel in Yu Jinxiao's hand stuck to the center of her face, rubbing Yu Yuanyuan's facial features into a ball. "Just be careful, and you will suffer less. Isn't this a very simple matter? Yu Yuanyuan, you can definitely do it, right?"

Yu Zaizai digested his father's words carefully, and felt that what his father said was reasonable, so he shook his head vigorously: "Yes, Yuanyuan can do it, and Yuanyuan will walk more carefully in the future."

"Well, good boy." Yu Jinxiao's compliment had no emotion, just like a robot with a set emotion for praise.

But He Yitong, who was eavesdropping quietly outside the bathroom, knew that he was worried about Zai Zai.

The seemingly indifferent and cold tone was not a casual perfunctory, but a gentle and careful exhortation.

He Yitong leaned against the wall, thinking of the big black panther in the fairyland, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "It really hasn't changed at all from before."

According to the plot in his mind, there is a high probability that Yu Jinxiao in the book was influenced by a little bit of character design, so he was so violent, violent and indifferent before.

But in reality, he is not such a person.

Perhaps it should be said that after Zai Zai came to this world, he seemed to become a "trainer", gradually turning Yu Jinxiao back into the fairyland Yu Jinxiao.

"Yu Yuanyuan wrap the blanket well and don't move around." The fierce reminder in the bathroom interrupted He Yitong's thoughts.

Yu Yuanyuan nestled on the small bench, with the warm wind blowing above her head, like a small ball, wrapped tightly in a blanket, only her small head was left outside.

"Baba, you're not wearing a coat, are you cold?" Xiao Zai Zai looked at him anxiously, his little eyes were full of worry.

"I'm not cold."

"But you don't even have hair, you must be cold."

"I'm not cold."

"I'll catch a cold."

"will not."

Yu Yuanyuan kept chattering, like a noisy little toy, but Yu Jinxiao answered her words patiently, and kept washing her dirty coat with his hands.

Having grown so big, Yu Jinxiao has never washed such a dirty thing before!
Even if he was going to study abroad, Mr. Yu specially bought a villa for him to live in, and even hired a servant, so it was not his turn to wash the clothes.

Unexpectedly, the first time he did his laundry was to wash such a dirty little friend's coat!
It's obviously just muddy water, but when you wash it with water, the sand will run everywhere... It's better to wash the whole coat together.

Yu Jinxiao, who had no experience in laundry, was a bit tricky for a while.

He Yitong peeked out from time to time, and saw her big black man staring at the sink in a daze, and couldn't bear to ask: "What's wrong? Can't wash?"

"It seems that the more you wash it, the dirtier it gets..." Yu Jinxiao really didn't want to admit that he couldn't clean a children's coat.

A gasp came from behind, He Yitong rolled up his sleeves and squeezed over to help: "Forget it, I'll do it."

"Swipe brush-"


He Yitong operated fiercely like a tiger, and when he looked at the was full of dirt!

She stared at the coat for two seconds without love, then turned and stuffed it into the washing machine.

(End of this chapter)

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