The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 707 Why Do You Have Men’s Shirts in Your House

Chapter 707 Why Do You Have Men’s Shirts in Your House

When you can't handle it yourself, it's right to leave it to the machine.

He Yitong also really hates doing laundry...

How simple it was when she was in the fairyland, she just licked her fur, but when she became a human, those clothes were made by magic, and she didn't need to wash them at all.

She didn't expect that after coming to this human book world, she would have to change all her habits, which made her very irritable.

For He Yitong, these machines are simply the greatest inventions in the world!
Yu Jinxiao thought that He Yitong had done something extraordinary, so he hugged Yu Yuanyuan wrapped in a ball and watched from the sidelines.

At last……

The father and daughter watched her throw the clothes into the washing machine.

Amidst the rumbling sound of the machine, there was a strange atmosphere in the air.

"Wow, Yuanyuan knows this machine~~" Xiao Zai Zai's voice broke the embarrassment, "It's called laundry~"

He Yitong thought to himself: Wow, Zai Zai is so amazing!

He Yitong's face: What's so strange about knowing this?
To Yu Jinxiao, what He Yitong said was much more normal than what she thought in her heart.

What's so strange about knowing about washing machines?

The washing machine shows that it takes 1 hour to wash and [-] hours to dry.

Under the guise of Xiao Zai Zai's cover, Yu Jinxiao secretly scrutinized He Yitong's reaction from the corner of his eyes.

According to this time, it would probably be midnight before they go back, and staying for such a long time...Won't she resist?
"Wow——" Yu Yuanyuan yawned big and fell into a small ball.

She nestled next to Yu Jinxiao's shoulder, her eyes had already become a black slit.

The long eyelashes are like a small fan, flickering with the blinking eyes.

He Yitong really wanted to snatch Zai Zai away and hold her in his arms, but after the system sensed her emotions, he coughed twice in his mind.

Hearing the hint from the system, He Yitong remembered that he had finished the mission and hadn't checked the props he got.

["Dining with Yi Yuzhang" mission completed! 】

[Reward props "Clear Memory 10s" props, after use, can clear the previous 10s memory of the designated target. 】

[Can be used on people other than Yu Jinxiao, Yu Yuanyuan, Yu Mingxi, and Yu Yingze]

He Yitong looked at the series of "excluded" lists, wishing he could get the system out and beat him up.

After all, she still has to be careful in front of her family, so that they don't notice her strangeness.

"Huh—" There was a sound from the sofa in the living room, it was Yu Yuanyuan's sweet breathing after falling asleep.

This point was already at the time when Xiao Zai Zai was going to sleep, and he had to cheer up just now to barely last an extra hour.

Yu Jinxiao was wearing a dirty, water-stained shirt, holding a ball wrapped in a blanket in his arms.

The little ball was almost drooling from sleep, but the scene in front of him was indescribably pitiful and desolate.

"Take Yuanyuan to bed and sleep. It's cold here. I turned on the heater in the room." He Yitong really wanted to pretend not to care, but when he saw the cub wrapped in a blanket, he felt uncomfortable.

Her cub can't stand being wronged for a second! !

In this frigid weather, if you sleep in the living room, you will easily get sick and catch a cold.

Yu Jinxiao was a little surprised, raised his head, and carefully scrutinized He Yitong's expression for a long time... His expression was indifferent, as if it was only out of compassion that a person should have.

But deep in those eyes, there was a touch of tenderness looming.

Yu Jinxiao carried Zai Zai into the room, covered the slightly cold body with a quilt, and carefully tucked in every corner that might leak air.

Turning around, He Yitong handed over a shirt with a blank expression: "You change it too, the clothes are all soaked through, and my things will get wet."

The shirt in front of him was obviously not new, Yu Jinxiao was startled, and a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes: "Why do you have a man's shirt in your house?"

(End of this chapter)

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