The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 708 A good role model in the eyes of children

Chapter 708 A good role model in the eyes of children

He Yitong felt the astonishment and shock of those gazes. Under the apparently indifferent and sullen expression, there was a cracked scar in the fundus of his eyes.

As if she had done something to hurt his feelings.

Looking down at the shirt, He Yitong pretended to be impatient and threw it on him: "You are sick, this is the shirt you left here before!"

Yu Jinxiao's reaction just now was clearly thinking that she already had another man.

Probably because he hasn't been back to this place for a long time, Yu Jinxiao doesn't quite remember what is kept here.

What remains in the memory are intermittent memories, as if it was a long time ago.

Saying anything at this time is a bit unnecessary, Yu Jinxiao can only use silence to adjust the embarrassment.

He took the shirt and started to unbutton it when he heard a series of footsteps running out.

Turning around, He Yitong had disappeared.

He Yitong who rushed back to the living room immediately poured himself a glass of water, and sighed while drinking: "Knock, this big blackie has such a good figure after becoming a human!"

As an actor, He Yitong has met various celebrity idols, but none of them can compare with Yu Jinxiao's qualifications.

She seemed to be belatedly realizing that this big baby was actually her own!
Yu Jinxiao, who was completely unaware that his figure had been evaluated, calmly changed his clothes.

But... what to do with the wet clothes in your hand?
Or just throw it away.

Yu Jinxiao, who was about to throw his shirt into the trash can, suddenly thought of something, and quickly retracted his hand.

No, he should wash his clothes and dry them at He Yitong's house, so that her family will leave a connection with him.

If they took away the shirt on their body and threw it away and replaced it... wouldn't they even lose this subtle connection in the future?
Yu Jinxiao soon realized how stupid his behavior was, and immediately went to the bathroom calmly with his shirt.

He connected the sink to the water, pressed the shirt in, and rubbed it, clumsily and seriously.

How can you not be serious?
He was taking advantage of the time between washing clothes to think carefully about how to keep this clothes at He Yitong's house.

Hearing the movement to the bathroom, He Yitong held the water glass, covered his hot face, and moved to the door of the bathroom: "What are you doing?"

"Wash clothes." Yu Jinxiao replied.

He Yitong frowned in doubt: "Do you still need to wash it? Don't you have everything to wear? Just throw it away?"

Yu Jinxiao's situation is different from Yu Yuanyuan's.

Zai Zai didn't have a change of clothes, but she gave Yu Jinxiao a clean shirt to change into!
"How can you be so wasteful?" Yu Jinxiao stopped what he was doing, and looked back with serious eyes, "Diligence and thrift should start from ourselves, this is a good example for children."

Did she get it wrong?
Yu Jinxiao, who spends tens of thousands of dollars and throws it away, is actually discussing saving with her!

He only needs to wave the check, and he has hundreds of thousands of shirts. Need to save?
But He Yitong was still taken aback by him, feeling that the traditional virtue of thrift should not be abandoned, especially for children to establish a correct view of money.

However, Yu Jinxiao's clothes were washed insincerely, but he tried his best.

Fortunately, he wasn't stained with too much muddy water, so he rubbed it casually, and it was almost clean.

After cleaning in the pool twice, and no foam came out, Yu Jinxiao held up the washed shirt and asked confidently, "Where are your clothes to dry?"

He Yitong was stunned: "My house uses dryers all the time."

Well, very good, drying Xiao Tangyuan's clothes for two hours, and drying his shirt for another two hours.

In this way, the night passed, and it was quite good.

(End of this chapter)

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