The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 709 It's all thanks to the defeat of this little cub

Chapter 709 It's all thanks to the defeat of this little cub

He Yitong was successfully surrounded by Yu Jinxiao, and said, "Wait for Yuanyuan's clothes to dry before drying your shirt."

Putting the clothes back into the clean sink, Yu Jinxiao wiped off the water on his hands, and went to the room to check on the situation of Xiao Zai Zai.

This little guy didn't recognize his birth at all, and slept soundly as at home, tossing and changing several positions in just a short while.

That fleshy little body, like a small ball, protruded into a cute shape under the quilt.

He Yitong wanted to take out his phone several times to take a few photos to relieve his miss when he couldn't see Zai Zai, but...

That big blackie stayed in the room all the time, which made her feel embarrassed to take pictures!
Yu Jinxiao seemed to be staring at Yu Zaizai to take care of her, but from the corner of his eye he was quietly looking at her room.

It's still similar to the previous layout, even if you haven't been here for a long time, you can gradually regain the familiarity of the past, and gradually overlap with the appearance in memory.


He found a very familiar velvet brocade box on the table.

It seemed to be the ruby ​​earrings he had auctioned off for her at a charity dinner.

Realizing that Yu Jinxiao was looking at the box, He Yitong's heart tightened, he grabbed it and swept it into the drawer.

"You just put it on the table so casually?" Yu Jinxiao glanced at it and asked in a low voice.

He Yitong faltered: "Where I put it is none of your business."

In the plot that He Yitong received, Yu Jinxiao always thinks things in a bad direction and loses his temper inexplicably, which makes their relationship in the book world worse and worse.

Wouldn't he think that she didn't care about this gift and just throw it around?

That's not the case!

"Put it in such a conspicuous position, do you take it out every day to look at it?" Yu Jinxiao's voice actually had an obvious smile, as if it was a thin grass, constantly scratching He Yitong's skin, causing people to tremble all over the itch.

Why doesn't the plot lose his temper, black face, and then explode? ?

He Yitong was a little overwhelmed for a moment, this was completely different from her prepared words!

"It's... not." Different from the prepared answer, He Yitong was a little caught off guard by his new reaction.

But it was her faltering answer that put Yu Jinxiao in a good mood.

If it was before, he would have thought that she didn't care about the pair of earrings, so she just threw them on the table and didn't collect them properly.

But now he doesn't always think about problems from a violent and extreme perspective, probably all of this is due to this little boy.

The velvet brocade box is placed casually on the dressing table, which can also be understood from another angle——

She often opened it to have a look, so she didn't collect it.

If it is really stored, it will probably be ten days and a half months without opening it to take a look.

He Yitong originally wanted to say something, to save himself a little face, but suddenly there was a ding dong in his mind, it was a reminder of the arrival of a new mission!

[Say "Get out!" to Yu Jinxiao, award 5 progress points! 】

Damn, progress point 5? ?This is no ordinary arrogance!

It's just that the atmosphere is good now, how do you say this?
He Yitong was happy for a second, then fell into an even more headache situation.

"Eat, Yuanyuan wants to eat~~" Xiao Zai Zai, who was in a deep sleep, groaned, and dreamed of something good.

Yu Jinxiao patted that small body lightly, and laughed at the awakening of instinct: "I just know how to eat."

Guessing him who was talking, he exerted a little strength with his hand, and suddenly patted the little cub, his eyes were half-opened and he stared in a daze.

He Yitong suddenly had an idea, stepped forward and said, "Get out!"

(End of this chapter)

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