The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 711 This dog-like flash!

Chapter 711 This dog-like flash!
In fact, when Yu Jinxiao started poking He Yitong's back, she was already awake.

It's just that she was curious about what the big blackie was up to, so she pretended to be asleep and ignored him.

Unexpectedly, he just gently picked her up, put her on the bed, and covered her with the quilt...

This step by step is full of tenderness and care from the beginning.

For a moment, He Yitong felt that she was fragile, being held in his arms carefully like a treasure.

The warm and familiar body temperature reminded her of the feeling when she was nestled beside him.

Under the black fur that she didn't dare to touch, there is a warm and powerful body. As long as you get close to him, you can warm from the furry body to the bottom of your heart.

However, when his body suddenly touched the soft bed, He Yitong felt a little lost.

For her, the body temperature on his body is more worthy of liking than the temperature produced by this machine.

He Yitong didn't open her eyes, but felt a milky breathing sound in her ears, and she knew it was her own cub as soon as she heard it!
Zai Zai is right next to her head! ! !
Just now she didn't want Yu Jinxiao to leave, but now she wants him to withdraw quickly!

She wants to see how her cub sleeps!
The small movements beside him gradually left the room, and the door closed softly.

He Yitong suddenly opened one eye and glanced at the door, um, the door is really closed.

In the next second, she squinted one eye and quickly scanned the room, um, fine, it's just her and Zaizai left!

After confirming that Yu Jinxiao had left the bedroom, He Yitong turned over, with an uncontrollable excited smile on his face, looking at the sleeping face beside him.

Oh, her cub is so cute, I can't wait to take dozens of pictures of it even sleeping!

By the way, mobile phone!selfie!

He Yitong took out the phone from his pocket, turned off the sound, and turned on the selfie mode in the dark room.

After adjusting the screen of the phone to be in the same frame as Zai Zai, He Yitong put a smile on his face and adjusted the angle—click!
A bright light flashed across, scaring He Yitong's heart so much that it missed half a beat.

This dog is like a flash! ! !Almost scared her to death!

"Hmph..." Yu Yuanyuan, who was sleeping soundly, woke up rubbing her eyes, "It looks like lightning, maybe it's about to thunder... Yuanyuan is scared."

He Yitong quickly patted Zai Zai's arm to comfort him: "It's all right, there is no lightning, and there will be no thunder. Don't be afraid, Zai Zai."

Hearing Ma Ma's voice suddenly appearing next to his ears, Xiao Zai Zai's sleepiness stopped for a second: "Ma Ma~?"

"Mama is here." He Yitong patted that little head to comfort her.

Yu Yuanyuan woke up completely, she looked around the room in surprise, and answered with a cautious voice: "Why isn't Baba here?"

"He's outside." He Yitong replied in a low voice.

"Hey hey, can Yuanyuan sue with Ma Ma tonight?"

"Yes, hehehe." The laughter of the mother and daughter was like a repeat.

Xiao Zaizai excitedly turned over on the bed, facing Mama, like a small shrimp buried in the quilt: "But Yuanyuan can't sleep, Yuanyuan wants to take pills with Mama~"

"Cub, shall we take a picture?"

"Okay, okay."

He Yitong quietly turned on the desk lamp, turned off the flash, and turned on the front camera to continue taking selfies.

Unlike before, the awakened Zai Zai would pose with her, kiss her face, hug her neck, and hold her shoulders...

Aww, Zai Zai is so cute in every photo!
Just as the mother and daughter were quietly taking selfies, a footstep came to the door of the room.

Yu Yuanyuan and He Yitong looked at each other, quickly turned off the lights, and at the same time sank into the quilt, the door also opened.

(End of this chapter)

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