The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 712 I have to knock on the door to enter my wife's room

Chapter 712 I have to knock on the door to enter my wife's room
The mother and daughter, who were still taking selfies the last second, had tacitly pretended to be asleep for a second.

Yu Jinxiao didn't enter the room, so he stood at the door and watched for a while, staring at the two figures who seemed to be sleeping, with puzzled eyes.

He seemed to hear movement in the room just now, did he hear it wrong?
Originally, Yu Jinxiao was worried that Yu Zaizai would wake up and disturb He Yitong, so he wanted to come in to see the situation.

Now it seems... It seems that he is worrying too much.

After exiting the room, the two figures pretending to be asleep woke up for a second, and began to chat quietly again.

The booming dryer on the balcony stopped, Yu Jinxiao walked over to open it, unscrewed the little boy's coat, shook it, and checked it carefully.

Well, it's all dry, so it's okay to wear it directly.

Now it's my turn...

Yu Jinxiao looked at the shirt in his hand, suddenly thought of something, hung the clothes on the hanger, and hung them in a corner of the balcony.

If the dryer dries too quickly, when He Yitong wakes up, maybe he will take the clothes away with him.

If it hangs up like this, maybe I can find an excuse to keep it in her home.

In the room, Yu Yuanyuan and He Yitong were tired from playing, and suddenly felt sleepy again.

Xiao Zai Zai arched his head next to He Yitong's, and asked in a low voice: "Ma Ma, will Ba Ba bring Yuan Yuan home today?"

"It probably won't happen tonight. Don't worry, just go to sleep." He Yitong patted the little boy's head, coaxing the little boy to sleep.

She and Zai Zai have been separated for too long, and now they can finally cuddle up to each other simply.

"Mama, Yuanyuan hasn't been next to you for a long time to tell me."

"Mama too."

He Yitong hasn't been by the cubs' side for too long, too long.

Now she finally holds the youngest Zai Zai in her arms, but her heart is not satisfied at all.

Thinking of the other two black leopard cubs who lost their memories about her, He Yitong's heart suddenly ached again.

The two hearts cuddled tightly in the bedroom, but Yu Jinxiao outside the bedroom was sitting on the sofa and couldn't fall asleep.

He had never felt this kind of dreadful feeling before, worried that when He Yitong woke up, he would immediately take Yu Yuanyuan away.

It's not that he wasn't mentally prepared for this situation, it's just that when he thinks it might happen, he will inevitably be crushed and stinged repeatedly in his heart.

But Yu Jinxiao was worried from twelve o'clock in the middle of the night to one o'clock in the morning, from one o'clock in the morning to three o'clock in the morning...

Shouldn't they be driven away?

In the middle of the night, he really didn't want to toss the little glutinous rice balls.

With anxiety in his heart, Yu Jinxiao lay down on the sofa with the blanket that Xiao Zai Zai had covered him before, and slept very restlessly that night.

He even dreamed that He Yitong chased him and Yu Yuanyuan away, leaving the two of them standing alone in the corridor blowing the cold wind.

Fortunately, after being awakened by the dream, Yu Jinxiao found that it was the blanket that had slipped on the floor that made it so cold.

Until half past six in the morning, the harsh sound of the alarm clock in the room came to the living room.

Yu Jinxiao opened his eyes, came to the bedroom door and knocked: "Is it convenient to come in?"

I haven't seen you for a while, I have to knock on the door to enter my wife's room, hey.

"Come in." He Yitong's voice sounded cold and indifferent, but there was nothing unhappy or sullen.

Yu Jinxiao pushed open the door, only the cub was left on the bed, and He Yitong had already changed his clothes.

The little guy who was not awake at all was still nestled in the quilt, sleeping soundly.

"Did Yuanyuan bother you last night?" Yu Jinxiao seemed embarrassed, and his words seemed to be probing.

He Yitong didn't notice it at all, glanced at Zai Zai reluctantly, shook his head and said: "No, I slept very deeply."

"It's time for Yuanyuan to go to kindergarten, I'll take her back first." Yu Jinxiao picked up Yu Zaizai to get dressed, and put on her the coat and pants that were washed last night.

At this moment, He Yitong's phone on the bedside table rang, and the name on the caller ID was "Yi Yuzhang".

(End of this chapter)

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