The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 713 You Didn't Say You Can't Make Him Wait

Chapter 713 You Didn't Say You Can't Make Him Wait

For Yi Yuzhang's stalking, Yu Jinxiao was not as annoyed as he imagined.

Probably because he knew He Yitong too well, so from He Yitong's attitude towards Yi Yuzhang, we could see what she was thinking.

She didn't seem to be interested in Yi Yuzhang, but she always agreed to some of his requests strangely.

Although he didn't know why, Yu Jinxiao was sure of He Yitong's thoughts.

After so many years of husband and wife, he still can't even see this clearly.

As soon as He Yitong saw that the caller ID was Yi Yuzhang, he subconsciously gave a "tsk", eyes full of impatience.

He just woke up, and he was so restless, I really wanted to give him two punches.

After pouring too much anger into his expression and eyes, He Yitong realized that Yu Jinxiao was still there, and immediately changed his irritable appearance, and answered the phone as calmly as possible.

"Ms. He, good morning."

Good for you!

He was cursing in his heart, but his face and tone were smiling: "Mr. Yi, good morning."

"I remember that Ms. He is going to the set early this morning. We can have breakfast together and then go to the set. I'm downstairs now."

Inside and outside the words, they meant to give He Yitong a ride.

He Yitong felt a pain in his temple.

According to the plot in the book, at this time He Yitong had already been moved by Yi Yuzhang's offensive, and even had a bigger conflict with Yu Jinxiao because of this.

Just...she couldn't figure out how the plot went further and further away under her efforts?
Since there was no big conflict with Yu Jinxiao, the more she looked at that Yi Yuzhang, the more she disliked him.

Early in the morning, she still wanted to make breakfast for Zai Zai.

This shit is Yi Yuzhang, wouldn't it be good to get a few more hours of sleep in the morning?Why come to her downstairs to block people! ! !

The more He Yitong thought about it, the more angry he seemed to be laughing, but his tone of voice was gritted: "Okay, Mr. Yi, just wait."

When Yu Jinxiao heard that she agreed to Yi Yuzhang's invitation, he was not angry at all.

Because her tone didn't sound coquettish at all, instead it seemed like she was going to take down the knife and kill Yi Yuzhang twice.

Just when He Yitong was feeling irritable, she suddenly received a task proposed by the system——

【Eat breakfast with Yi Yuzhang】

[Let Yi Yuzhang send her to the set]

These two incidents are ordinary, and they are the plots that originally existed in the book.

No matter how stupid He Yitong is, she also knows that this system is secretly restricting her to follow the original plot in the book.

But recently, she has gradually discovered that some tasks... seem to be completed in other ways.

Even if you are involuntarily controlled by the system, you can't be obedient and obedient, you have to make a certain amount of resistance, against this dog system!

Of course, the only way to resist is to not trigger the system warning.

Yi Yuzhang said he was downstairs, but He Yitong knew that he didn't know which floor he lived in, so he could only wait downstairs.

Probably out of face, Yi Yuzhang would not keep calling to remind him.

He Yitong's brows brightened suddenly, he raised his brows with a smile, and said, "Do you want breakfast?"

"Eat!" Xiao Zai Zai, who was sleeping before, suddenly woke up.

That little one looks like a cat cub who heard a plastic bag being opened, and his sleep was awakened by his appetite.

There are still some simple ingredients in the refrigerator. He Yitong came to this book world and tried to learn a little cooking.

Now that Zai Zai and her husband are in front of her eyes, hehehe, it's time for her to test her skills.

As soon as the system saw her go to the refrigerator to get ingredients, it immediately panicked: "Hey, Yi Yuzhang is still waiting for you, are you not doing the task?"

He Yitong snapped back in his mind: "You didn't say you couldn't make him wait."


(End of this chapter)

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