The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 714 Only he has a problem with this disc?

Chapter 714 He is the only one with problems?

In Yu Jinxiao's memory, He Yitong didn't know how to cook.

Probably the level that even fried eggs can be browned.

Probably best at making coffee.

But just now when He Yitong proposed to make breakfast, he could see the confidence of a chef from He Yitong's face.

Could it be that during the time they were apart, she learned how to cook?

Yu Jinxiao's curiosity was instantly aroused.

Thinking that Yi Yuzhang was still downstairs, he felt that it would be a good thing to let that troublesome guy wait a little longer. Whether Yi Yuzhang was dead or alive had nothing to do with him.

He Yitong went to the kitchen and started a fire.

Maybe because of her chef-like confident expression just now, Yu Jinxiao didn't even go to the kitchen to take a look, just took care of Zai Zai and waited at the dining table.

A plate of food had already been served until a burning smell was smelled.

The thing is very simple, just a fried egg sandwich, fried ham, and a glass of milk.

The things on the plate looked normal, but Yu Jinxiao still smelled the faint smell of burning.

Did you accidentally break it and throw it in the trash, and make a new copy?
Now that the matter has come to this point, Yu Jinxiao's inner vigilance has been awakened.

He saw Xiao Zai Zai picking up the sandwich and preparing to eat it, but the other side of the sandwich was clearly brown! ! !
Yu Jinxiao slapped the sandwich back on the plate, calmly glanced at He Yitong who was still washing dishes in the kitchen.

It was inevitable that Xiao Zai Zai got food poisoning, so Yu Jinxiao checked the contents of their plates first.

Fortunately, only the plate of Xiao Zai Zai was burnt, the ham was also burnt on one side, and even the slices of bread were not spared.

Yu Jinxiao really suspected that He Yitong forgot to flip the food! ! !
He quietly compared his own set. Fortunately, although his set was a bit golden, it was not as terrible as the set that Xiao Zaizai got.

In exchange, the cubs can still be eaten.

"Baba~milk has a strange taste." Yu Yuanyuan took a sip of milk while holding the mug while he was checking the sandwich.

Yu Jinxiao's temples tightened——

what's the situation!Is there even a problem with milk? ?
He grabbed the mug and took a look. There was a faint layer of oil on the milk, which was yellow.

To avoid hurting the cub, Yu Jinxiao took a sip, but fortunately there was nothing strange, probably because he forgot to wash the pot when he was heating the milk, and just heated the milk in it.

And his cup should have been warmed later, and the taste is a little weaker, and the natural burnt taste of the bottom of the pot can't be tasted too well.

Yu Jinxiao reluctantly exchanged all his meals with Yu Yuanyuan, and was hesitating how to deal with these strange things, He Yitong sat over with his own plate.

Seeing that they haven't moved the knife for so long, her eyes turned cold: "Why don't you eat it? Is it hard to eat?"

"No, I want to wait for you to be together." Yu Jinxiao reacted flexibly.

"The breakfast made by Ma Ma is so special~~" Although Xiao Zai Zai thought the taste was strange, it was not unpalatable.

It's just that the milk smells like fried eggs and ham. She's never had sauce.

The one-on-one conversation between father and daughter made He Yitong very happy.

Yu Jinxiao didn't stop Xiao Zai Zai from calling her mother, he also observed secretly during this time, and felt that He Yitong was not too disgusted by Yu Yuanyuan's calling her so.

As long as she doesn't raise any objections, there's no need for him to magnify this "title" that can subtly influence He Yitong.

Although He Yitong has specially learned to cook, most of the time she eats alone, and the food she cooks is also repeated failures and failures.

Finally someone can taste it today, how could she let it go?

He Yitong was worried that she could not cook well, but she cut a piece from her own plate, and it tasted...not bad!
Seeing that Yu Jinxiao and Yu Yuanyuan hadn't started eating yet, He Yitong urged again: "Why don't you guys eat it? It tastes good."

Yu Jinxiao cut up delicious food for Yu Zaizai, and handed her the fork, feeling a little nervous.

Children like to tell the truth, in case...

"It's delicious, Ma Ma is so boring!!" Xiao Zai Zai took a bite, then raised his fork and praised wildly.

Especially that little expression doesn't look like a lie at all! !
Yu Jinxiao lowered his head and glanced at the dinner plate exchanged from Xiao Zai Zai. He is the only one who has a problem with his feelings? ?
(End of this chapter)

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