Chapter 715

The mother and daughter ate happily, but Yu Jinxiao's portion was different from theirs! !
The fried eggs, bread, and ham were all burnt, and there was even a layer of oil floating in the milk, leaving a faint smell of burnt and meat.

In short, he is the most pitiful link in the whole breakfast chain!
He Yitong had eaten more than half of it, and found that Yu Jinxiao was still staring at the plate, and frowned unhappily: "If you don't want to eat, give it to me."

It was not easy for the relationship to ease, and they sat down to have breakfast together, Yu Jinxiao didn't want to make it unpleasant again because of himself.

Besides, he has already learned two words from Yu Yuanyuan: Forbearance.

It was just a burnt breakfast, what was it to him?
Yu Jinxiao pulled the dinner plate towards him, picked up the knife and fork calmly: "I didn't say I wouldn't eat it."

In fact, He Yitong most wanted to know Yu Jinxiao's opinion on the breakfast he made.

Xiao Zai Zai has already praised the venue and said it is delicious, so... what about him?
The man sitting across from him moved gracefully and beautifully. He was obviously just cutting up food, but his demeanor revealed a bit of oil painting-like temperament.

He Yitong didn't bother to follow up and ask if it was good, but quietly stared at his expression to make a secret judgment.

No frowns, no weird little expressions of any kind...

This is probably delicious, right?

Hey hey hey.

He Yitong lowered her head and continued to cut the food in front of her, instead of looking at Yu Jinxiao's expression.

In fact, as early as just now, he felt the gaze from the opposite side, and immediately controlled his expression strictly, so that she didn't see any flaws.

Yu Jinxiao's heart became stronger and stronger, able to tolerate everything in the world.

Even being able to eat this delicious breakfast without being moved, he felt that his forbearance skills had improved to a higher level.

The burnt taste mixed with the bitter taste continued to magnify on the tongue coating, every mouthful was like eating Yu Jinxiao's own meat.

Even though it was so unpalatable, he still had to act as if nothing had happened. This was the greatest test of the soul!

However, Yu Jinxiao didn't show a "unpalatable" expression throughout the whole process, nor did he speed up his eating speed. He calmly cut up the food and delivered it to his mouth like eating a pile of normal-tasting food.

It's just that this meal was extremely long, and it seemed to him that it took centuries before he finally finished it all.

He is used to eating well-crafted food on weekdays, and this hell-level cuisine is tantamount to mental torture for him.

"Yuanyuan is full~~" Xiao Zaizai patted his belly in satisfaction, and there were still a little bread crumbs hanging from his little mouth when he smiled, "The breakfast made by Ma Ma is delicious~~"

He Yitong took a peek at Yu Jinxiao, seeing him staring at the dinner plate, he boldly grinned happily at Zai Zai.

After breakfast, He Yitong packed the dishes and went to the kitchen. After more than half an hour of dawdling, he had to go downstairs.

"Do you want to go back to the set? I'll see you off," Yu Jinxiao glanced at Yu Yuanyuan after finishing speaking, "I'll take Yuanyuan to the kindergarten first, just on the way."

"Okay." He Yitong completely forgot that Yi Yuzhang was still downstairs.

In particular, you can see Zai Zai going to kindergarten! ! !She doesn't want to miss it!

When Yu Jinxiao sent Yu Yuanyuan to the gate of the kindergarten, the little boy didn't run in like usual, but stood by the car and waved his claws at Yu Jinxiao and He Yitong.

"Baby bye~~Bye bye bye~~" The round and round figure is cute and lovingly stuck in place.

He Yitong suppressed the smile that was about to get out of control, calmly raised his hand and shook it, and watched the billowing figure jump into the kindergarten gate.

Oh, her cubs don't cry when they go to kindergarten, so strong!
"Dingling..." Just as He Yitong was immersed in the cute picture of Zai Zai going to kindergarten, he was suddenly interrupted by a call.

I saw "Yi Yuzhang" on the caller ID.

He Yitong: "Oh Huo." How could he have been forgotten.

(End of this chapter)

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