Chapter 717
After waiting for less than five minutes, Yu Jinxiao saw Yi Yuzhang and He Yitong approaching one after the other.

Yi Yuzhang seemed to be talking nonstop, but He Yitong just kept smiling, a polite smile that didn't want to talk to anyone.

It was He Yitong who saw Yu Jinxiao first, she was surprised to see him at this point.

Could it be that she knew that she had an appointment with Yi Yuzhang and deliberately came to rob him?

Hey, hey, what's the matter with the excitement!

The situation in He Yitong's heart was changing, but she had to remain calm on the surface. Fortunately, her actor's instinct could help her maintain her expression.

Yu Jinxiao carried Xiao Zai Zai out of the car, and took out the flowers on the back seat by the way.

Yi Yuzhang had a displeased expression on his face, his eyes were completely looking at his rival.

He seemed to have forgotten that Yu Jinxiao and He Yitong had a constant connection.

"Yitong..." Yu Jinxiao was about to give her flowers when Yi Yuzhang stabbed in suddenly, and stretched out his hand to block the flowers for He Yitong.

"Mr. Yu, Ms. He is allergic to pollen, don't you even know about this?"

Probably the bouquet was so real that even Yi Yuzhang thought it was real flowers.

Just such a bouquet of artificial flowers is a quality that can only be obtained at a high price.

Yi Yuzhang was already cautious enough, he deliberately waited until Yu Jinxiao approached, smelled a little flower smell, and glanced at the details of those bouquets from the corner of his eye before deciding that they were flowers.

"Yuyu Octopus Susu, this is a wig~~~" Xiao Zaizai couldn't wait to reveal the truth, "Yuanyuan Duji Daojie is a wig~~"

fake? !
No way!He clearly smelled the fragrance of flowers just now!
Yu Jinxiao saw something from those shocked eyes, chuckled disdainfully, bypassed him, and handed the flower directly to He Yitong's hand.

"What are you doing here?" Although He Yitong was pleasantly surprised, but she...she still has a task to do!

"My watch is on the sink at your house." Yu Jinxiao didn't deliberately amplify the volume, and said calmly, "I just remembered this afternoon."

The implication is to go to her house to pick it up!
In fact, when he left in the morning, he thought about taking it, but he pretended to forget it and pushed the watch in a more concealed direction.

He Yitong's head was buzzing, desperately trying to recall what it looked like on the sink when he washed himself in the morning.

If there really was a watch, she should have seen it, but she has no impression of it at all!

But looking at Yu Jinxiao's appearance, he was so serious, it didn't seem like he was lying.

Yi Yuzhang's expression on the side was extremely ugly.

Yu Jinxiao's words seemed to say nothing, but also seemed to say everything.

His watch was at her house, which meant they were together last night!
Even if they have been divorced, the relationship between husband and wife for several years is like a flame that has been temporarily frozen. As long as it is melted by the right atmosphere, it is not impossible for the old relationship to rekindle.

"Miss He, did he go to your house last night?" Yi Yuzhang looked at her in disbelief with a hurt and sad expression.

Thinking that there was still work to be done on him, He Yitong could only bite the bullet and comfort him: "Yuanyuan fell last night and her clothes were soaked. They just went to my house to do laundry."

Yu Jinxiao: "By the way, my shirt is still drying on your balcony. It may rain today, so I will collect it later."

Yi Yuzhang: "!!!"

The watch was left in the bathroom, so Yi Yuzhang could comfort himself that it might really be laundry.


Why wash Yu Yuanyuan's clothes so much that he hangs his own clothes at her house? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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