Chapter 718
"It got wet while doing the laundry!" He Yitong emphasized with a blushing face.

Although this matter sounds strange, Yi Yuzhang doesn't want to admit defeat in person, since He Yitong is willing to explain to him, it must be because he cares about himself.

When Yu Jinxiao saw Yi Yuzhang's appearance, he knew that what he had to say was in place, so he didn't add any more embellishments.

If there are some words, speaking in a hazy way, it is easy to cause people to think wildly.

"Then we made an appointment for dinner..." Yi Yuzhang did not confront Yu Jinxiao, but asked He Yitong's opinion with an aggrieved attitude.

"I'll go back and get my things first, you wait for me downstairs."

"Okay." Yi Yuzhang didn't ask any further questions, after inviting He Yitong into the car in a gentlemanly manner, he turned his head and glanced in the direction of Yu Jinxiao indifferently.

The emotion in those eyes is not that simple.

Yu Jinxiao has seen too many people look at him with similar eyes, he never cares about it, but this Yi Yuzhang is obviously different from those people.

It wasn't just that he was pursuing He Yitong.

Intuition told him that this Yi Yuzhang was not as simple as it appeared on the surface.

As early as after the previous charity dinner, Yu Jinxiao checked Yi Yuzhang's details.

Clean, simple, ordinary.

He is a very powerful young talent. With his own ability, he has jumped into several big companies and is worth over tens of billions.

But he spent most of his time developing in other cities, and now he is gradually shifting his focus to Jiangcheng, not sure if it has something to do with He Yitong.

In the near future, he will also be one of Yu Jinxiao's opponents in the business field.

At least it is impossible for Yu Jinxiao to cooperate with Yi Yuzhang.

"Baba, where are we going~~" Xiao Zai Zai, who was completely out of state, swayed and hummed in the back row.

"Go to mother's house." Now even Yu Jinxiao habitually regards He Yitong as the cub's mother.

"Will Mama cook for us?"

Thinking of the breakfast he ate today, Yu Jinxiao felt a pain in his temple, and a bitter taste suddenly rose in his mouth.

If this is the taste of happiness, then this happiness is too difficult.

Yi Yuzhang originally wanted to park the car and go upstairs with He Yitong, but He Yitong didn't want him to know where he lived, so he found an excuse for him to go to the restaurant first.

"Miss He, are you really going to come?" Yi Yuzhang, who was let go of the pigeon, asked uncertainly.

He didn't want to be a clown anymore, much less wait for empty hopes.

He Yitong replied with a hypocritical and apologetic smile: "I will definitely come, I'm sorry about what happened in the morning, I'm too tired from filming recently, I always forget about this and that."

She was telling the truth...she had indeed forgotten!
But it has nothing to do with filming, it's because I'm so happy with Zai Zai and my husband, I forget about his horrible existence.

However, He Yitong felt that this system was weird.

Why is his strategy not aimed at Yu Jinxiao, but at this Yi Yuzhang? ?

Is he an important character?

It's a pity that the system shared with her limited plots, and even He Yitong didn't know what the important background of Yi Yuzhang was, and he had to keep in touch to figure out his background.

She already knew a lot about the superficial background, but He Yitong's intuition told her that this person was not a simple cannon fodder.

"With Miss He's words, I will definitely wait in the restaurant until Miss He comes," Yi Yuzhang smiled softly, "See you soon."

He Yitong didn't go upstairs immediately, but watched Yi Yuzhang's rear end go away, the smile on his face subsided for a second.

(End of this chapter)

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