Chapter 719
He Yitong turned her head abruptly, wanting to ask if Yu Jinxiao left the watch on purpose.

But just as she turned around, the first thing she saw was the cub in Yu Jinxiao's arms.

Hmph, in front of Zai Zai, she won't scare Zai Zai by being fierce.

Under Yuanyuan's shield, Yu Jinxiao managed to escape the questioning.

He Yitong carried the flowers all the way upstairs, and immediately went to the bathroom to check after entering the house.

She actually found the watch!
Looking at the style, one can tell that the price is expensive, and since no other men have visited her home, this men's watch can only be Yu Jinxiao's.

She thought of the shirt drying on the balcony again, and hurried out to take it back and put it on the sofa.

"Okay, everything is here, take it away, I'm in a hurry."

The task is still waiting for her! !
When Yu Jinxiao hugged Yu Yuanyuan, he seemed to have lost his agility, walked slowly to the sofa, touched the shirt thrown on it: "It's not dry yet, let's dry it, I'll get it next time."

next time?And next time?
Next doesn't seem to be impossible.

After all, He Yitong didn't really hate Yu Jinxiao, she pretended to hate him for the mission and the system.

If you keep the shirt, maybe you can take the opportunity to meet Zai Zai in the future.

"Okay." He Yitong hung up the shirt again, and hurriedly pushed them out the door.

"Where are you going? I'll see you off." Yu Jinxiao originally wanted to push his limits to the extreme.

But He Yitong, who was caused by "professionalism", cared about the task, so he could only reluctantly refuse with a dark face: "No need."

"It's not easy to take a taxi here."

"Then I'll take the subway."

"Don't worry, I won't disturb you." Yu Jinxiao said with a smile on his lips.

It was a contemptuous smile, but it was not for He Yitong, but for Yi Yuzhang who she was about to meet.

Yu Jinxiao knew He Yitong too well, he knew at a glance whether she was interested in that man.

He has witnessed what it is like for her to love him, at least He Yitong's current attitude towards Yi Yuzhang doesn't even count as a favorable impression.

Moreover, Yi Yuzhang had just let Yi Yuzhang know about the watch and shirt. When he saw He Yitong again, he couldn't stop thinking wildly. It would be interesting to let him mess around.

In the past, it was not impossible for Yu Jinxiao to find someone to sink Yi Yuzhang into the sea.

But now...every time he thinks of some vicious and evil thoughts, a cute face will pop up in front of his eyes.

That little face will remind him not to do bad things with a little milky voice.

In the past, Yu Jinxiao was immersed in hatred and always thought that he had nothing to worry about, but now he...has to take care of his sons and cubs, so nothing can happen to him for a day.

Even though his ability can make all the dark things go on quietly, the involvement in his heart prevents him from doing things like before regardless of the consequences.

He Yitong hesitated for a moment, then let go and agreed: "Okay, you send me downstairs to the restaurant and leave."

"Yeah." Yu Jinxiao unexpectedly didn't get angry!
Not only He Yitong was surprised, even the system was shocked!
Is this still the bad-tempered and violent Yu Jinxiao?This is a soul change!
"Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma ~ What is the restaurant you are going to eat? Sigh..." Xiao Zai Zai silently listened to their conversation, and asked the question she was most interested in.

He Yitong replied casually: "Their fish sashimi is pretty good."

"Yuyu!!" Xiao Zaizai's eyes lit up, and there was a flash of light at the corner of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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