The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 720 What Unlucky God

Chapter 720 What Unlucky God

When He Yitong saw the little cub's appearance, he knew that she wanted to eat it!

She knows exactly how much her cub loves to eat.

It's just about food intake... She hasn't really experienced the terrifying food intake doubled after becoming a human.

Yu Jinxiao knew that Xiao Zai Zai liked to eat everything, so he raised his hand to cover that head: "I will take you to eat next time."

"Okay." Yu Zaizai lowered his head in disappointment.

For a moment, He Yitong really wanted to leave Yi Yuzhang alone and take her cubs to eat, eat, eat, and eat, she is not without money!

Noticing that her thoughts were starting to wander, the system coughed a few times, and then began to remind vaguely.

He Yitong immediately looked away, pretending to be nonchalant and urging: "I'm still in a hurry."

Sending people downstairs to the restaurant, Yu Jinxiao really didn't take Xiao Zai Zai upstairs to disturb him, but just as he was about to drive away, a large group of people suddenly ran out of the restaurant door, and the scene was chaotic.

Seeing the messy scene from the rearview mirror, Yu Jinxiao immediately parked the car on the side of the road, and immediately ran towards He Yitong.

He Yitong, who was wearing high heels, was inconvenient to run, and was pushed back a few steps by the crowd. Her ankle twisted, and her body lost her balance and fell backwards.

A pair of powerful hands seemed to fall from the sky, firmly hugging her from behind.

Looking sideways, what He Yitong saw was that familiar face again.

Her waist hurt a little from being twisted in this position, but her heart was beating wildly, as if a deer had been suddenly stuffed into it.

Yu Jinxiao's already slender figure gave people extra peace of mind at this moment, as if he had a sense of security, and He Yitong's little heart, which had been frightened just now, was replaced by another emotion.

There was a special warmth in the chest behind her, which reminded He Yitong of the cold night in the fairyland.

When she curled up to keep herself warm, a strong black body actually lay beside her, clinging to her furry body with her own body temperature.

It was supposed to be a very cold night, but because the big sunspot blocked most of the cold wind and cold, she had a warm night.

"What happened?" Yu Jinxiao's palm gently wrapped He Yitong's shoulder, leading her away from the chaos at the restaurant entrance.

The number of people running out was decreasing, and among the group of people, He Yitong saw Yi Yuzhang who was also in a mess.

"Mr. Yi, what's the matter?" He Yitong stepped forward, pretending to be kind and took out a tissue to wipe his face.

Yi Yuzhang's face was also stained with black dirt, and he was panting from running, as if he had trouble speaking.

As soon as he looked up, he saw Yu Jinxiao, and he rushed up in one breath, his chest was so tight that he felt uncomfortable.

After taking deep breaths for a while, Yi Yuzhang finally recovered and said intermittently, "The restaurant is on fire."

He Yitong: "..."

She suspected that Yi Yuzhang was some unlucky god.

How could this kind of thing happen to him?
Once upon a time, He Yitong also thought that she was the most unlucky person in the world.

But she also has the luckiest thing—meeting Da Heizi and having three cubs.

Strange to say, in the past, she was almost stuck to death even eating a fairy fruit, caught fish and rolled into the pool, slipped and couldn't climb ashore, caught a bird and provoked an eagle to be attacked all the way...

There are worse things.

Simply because Yu Jinxiao was there most of the time when she was unlucky, and with his protection, she escaped safely every time.

Later, she had Yuanyuan cub, and her luck became strangely lucky!

All kinds of unlucky things she was used to never seemed to happen again.

Being used to being unlucky, she felt that Yi Yuzhang also had a bit of unlucky potential.

(End of this chapter)

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