The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 724 At Least One Person In The Whole Family Did Not Inherit Her IQ

Chapter 724 At Least One Person In The Whole Family Did Not Inherit Her IQ
He Yitong really wanted to kick Yu Jinxiao away, but he was so strong that he couldn't even move her ankle.

The big hand, which seemed strong and powerful, was rubbing and pressing on her ankle desperately.

Forget it, he kept pressing and nagging, which made He Yitong angry.

"It won't get better if you don't push hard." It wasn't Yu Jinxiao himself who was in pain, but he looked calm, "Aunt Chen also pressed like this."

Aunt Chen smiled awkwardly, but did not agree.

"Aunt Chen didn't try so hard!!!" He Yitong screamed unbearably.

Yu Jinxiao paused, raised his head and glanced at He Yitong's teary face: "It hurts so much?"

"Nonsense, how can you not hurt with so much strength!!"

Although the sprained ankle was very painful, Yu Jinxiao's way of pressing did not have any spirit of pity and tenderness at all.

For that brief minute, He Yitong thought that he was going to die here.

While she was dizzy with the pain in her head, the pain in her ankle seemed to ease a lot at once.

He Yitong took several breaths before he managed to look at his feet.

The big hand that was still pushing hard just now actually slowed down for her, and gently and precisely rubbed the painful place. The cold feeling of the medicinal wine seemed to be seeping in with his movements, making He Yitong swollen The ankle is much more comfortable.

This press is more than half an hour.

The living room was filled with the smell of medicine and wine, which was choking.

He Yitong was paralyzed on the sofa, feeling a faint phantom pain, even though Yu Jinxiao's strength had decreased a lot.

"Mom, are you hungry? Shall I get you some cake?" Yu Mingxi felt that it didn't look like he had dinner at this time, so he asked intimately.

He Yitong felt like a spring breeze immediately, and nodded with a smile: "Okay, okay."

System: "You are a female star who is trying to maintain her figure, but you actually eat cake?"

He Yitong woke up suddenly, and brought Yu Mingxi back: "Forget it."

Aunt Chen saw that this place was handed over to Yu Jinxiao, so she went to prepare dinner.

It seems that today I have to prepare an extra dinner for one person. Thinking of this, Aunt Chen smiled and glanced at the excitement in the living room.

"Round round."

A voice suddenly sounded on the stairs.

He Yitong followed the sound and saw a handsome young man who was standing upright and keeping a distance from them with some doubts.


Does she have a son in the book?Why doesn't she have any impression? ?
"Brother Shen Ji~~~" Xiao Zai Zai ran forward and grabbed brother Shen Ji's clothes, "Yuanyuan introduced Ma Ma to you~"

Shen Ji, who didn't want to get involved in the Yu family's affairs, was forced to step forward, and he immediately recognized Mr. Yu's ex-wife, He Yitong, who was sitting on the sofa.

Outstanding people, no matter where they are, they are memorable.

"Hello." Shen Ji didn't address him, just smiled and nodded towards He Yitong.

Calling Auntie He is a bit strange, calling Miss He is as strange, and calling Mrs. Yu is even more strange. After a quick balance, Shen Ji decided to ignore the title.

"Hello, this is..." Hearing that his surname was Shen, He Yitong was sure that she really didn't know him.

Xiao Zai Zai squeezed to the front, as if he was introducing something that made him proud: "Ma Ma, it's Brother Shen Ji~~ Brother Shen Ji is a good grader, he will come to tutor Yuanyuan every day~"

Shen Ji smiled embarrassedly: "Mr. Yu paid Yuanyuan's tuition fee."

He Yitong nodded, thought of something, patted Yu Mingxi and asked: "So Mingxi can also study together?"

Shen Ji pursed his lips, and his voice became softer: "Ming Xi's grades are very good, we occasionally discuss topics together."

He Yitong was startled: "Ah, is that so?"

It turns out that her eldest son's grades are so good! !

Fortunately, at least one member of the family did not inherit her IQ.

(End of this chapter)

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