The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 725 I have no other meaning

Chapter 725 I have no other meaning

Yu Jinxiao kneaded very carefully, and almost waited until the medicinal wine dried on the surface of the skin before helping her to wipe the surface of the skin, and thoughtfully helping He Yitong put on the socks and shoes.

For some reason, being stared at by so many people, He Yitong was a little embarrassed, and her cheeks turned red.

"The medicine is finished too, I... I'm going home." He Yitong hurriedly stood up and tried it out, her ankle really healed a lot, at least she could walk normally.

She grabbed her handbag and was about to leave, when suddenly Yu Yuanyuan and Yu Mingxi grabbed the hem of her clothes.

"Mama~ let's eat together~"

"Mom, you haven't come back for a long time, let's try Aunt Chen's craft, it's even better than before."

He Yitong watched the cubs stare, she really wanted to stay, but she always felt that after this meal, her position in the book would drift further and further away.

In case the language and behavior are taken over by the system, when the time comes...

What she said may bring this hard-won relationship to a freezing point.

But ever since He Yitong entered Yu's house, the system didn't issue any warnings, and her emotions kept jumping back and forth on the edge.

"No, you guys can eat," He Yitong deliberately glanced at the dining table, and made an excuse that she thought was lame, "There are too many people, I can't sit down."

Hearing that Ma Ma was about to leave, Yu Zaizai disappeared at once, like a little flower with her head down, standing pitifully in front of Shen Ji.

He knew what Xiao Zaizai was thinking. Xiaotuanzi in front of him had mentioned her mother from time to time. Today, her mother came home. Of course, she hoped that her mother could eat with her.

Shen Ji patted Yu Zaizai's head, and suddenly smiled apologetically: "I suddenly remembered that I still have something to do, can I take a day off today and go back first, Mr. Yu."

When speaking, Shen Ji looked at Yu Jinxiao impartially.

He actually saw some small messages from Shen Ji's eyes.

Shen Ji's tone didn't seem to be serious, nor did he feel sad and wronged after being excluded, what Yu Jinxiao read from those eyes turned out to be a hint of retreating to advance.

He seemed to want to help Yu Yuanyuan keep He Yitong, so he said that on purpose.

If the plan worked, He Yitong would be embarrassed by Shen Ji's words, and would have to stay for dinner, and Shen Ji would stay with him.

Yu Jinxiao suddenly felt that he seemed a bit too imaginative, and he could see so many things from Shen Ji's eyes.

Is it really?

This is a ten-year-old kid!How can you have such a deep heart?
"No, no, I didn't mean that," He Yitong really started to panic, and quickly blocked Shen Ji, "Shen Ji, please sit down, I don't mean anything else."

"Please sit down." As he said that, Shen Ji had already opened a seat for He Yitong.

Good guy.

He Yitong didn't feel like he was being tricked by a child until now.

How could she have the nerve to leave now?

"Okay~~ You can have dinner with Ma Ma~~" Xiao Zai Zai happily clapped his hands and cheered.

Seeing Yu Yuanyuan's happy appearance, the bit of sharpness in Shen Ji's calculating eyes disappeared, and turned into full of gentle eyes, as if Xiao Zai Zai was happy when he was happy.

He did so many things, as if there was only one purpose: to make the depressed little Tangyuan happy again.

Yu Jinxiao knew it well, and it was even more impossible to see through Shen Ji's intentions, so he helped He Yitong to sit down: "Let's eat, I'll take you back after eating."

(End of this chapter)

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