The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 734 You guys...don't be fierce!

Chapter 734 You guys...don't be fierce!

Yu Yuanyuan was not used to the sudden feeling of being noticed by many people, so she quietly shrank behind Gu Beiyan and Wen Zifei, and then used Chu Qi to block her view from behind.

Finally returning to the classroom, Yu Zaizai thought that he could have a good class, but he didn't expect that all the children cheered and surrounded him.

"Yuanyuan, I saw your show yesterday, you are a big star now!"

"Shall we take a picture?"

"No, you should get Yuanyuan's signature."

As she spoke, a group of children squeezed over to take a group photo with her with their phones and watches, laughing until the corners of Yu Zaizai's mouth stiffened.

Some people brought their beloved notebooks, hoping that Yu Zaizai would sign it.

He is not very proficient in writing names now, so it takes several minutes for Yu Yuanyuan to sign each one.

That's it... the break before class is gone in the blink of an eye.

Until the time of class, Yu Zaizai still felt dizzy.

So being a star is so tiring?
So many people asked her to write their names! !

Her name has a lot of strokes, it's so tiring to write~
Yu Zaizai stared at the teacher who was lecturing, his mind gradually wandering away.

Do you want to ask your father to change her name?
How convenient are those with fewer strokes, such as [-] or [-]!

Otherwise, she will not have to sleep if she only signs in the future.

After one class, Yu Yuanyuan finally enjoyed half an hour of quietness, but after class, the children came to her again to learn about the shooting.

Chu Qi and Gu Beiyan saw that Xiao Zai Zai's eyes were staring from the noise, so they hurriedly dragged her out of the classroom.

There are not many people on the playing equipment outside, and it is very cold outside in winter, so everyone prefers to stay in the classroom to play.

"Yuanyuan, it's not noisy here!" Gu Beiyan said loudly.

Only then did Xiao Zai Zai understand his and Chu Qi's intentions, and touched their hands: "Thank you Beiyan, thank you Qiqi!"

Wen Zifei didn't leave the classroom.

In this winter, who wants to blow the cold wind outside?

However, since Yu Yuanyuan and the others were not here, it would be boring for him to sit alone in the classroom.

His little follower came to talk to him with a flattering face, but Wen Zifei thought it was boring, waved his hand, and lay on the table alone looking at the three figures outside the window.

Originally, there were only the three little ones in the equipment entertainment area outside, but gradually five taller children surrounded them.

Wen Zifei had a little impression that they seemed to be middle class students.

Yu Zaizai was chatting with Gu Beiyan and Chu Qi at first, but the surrounding light gradually dimmed, and a few unknown friends appeared behind him.

They all stared at Yu Yuanyuan.

Chu Qi thought they wanted to play on the seesaw, so she stepped aside, but their eyes fell on Yu Yuanyuan, as if they were not interested in the seesaw.

"Hey, are you that Yu Yuanyuan on TV?" A little boy in the middle class suddenly asked.

Yu Zaizai nodded ignorantly: "Yes."

"Oh, our boss wants to take a photo with you and sign an autograph." One of the little boys wearing a hat gestured to the taller little boy beside him with his eyes.

Chu Qi twitched the corner of her mouth disdainfully.

Kindergartens still do this kind of operation?Childish or not, it's boring!
"Yuanyuan, let's go." Chu Qi pulled Yu Yuanyuan back. They came here just to have a quiet time, but unexpectedly they were found by people from other classes.

"Hey, don't you understand?" A few boys surrounded them all at once, "Don't lose face."

Yu Yuanyuan was frightened by the fierce tone, she hugged Qiqi: "You...don't be fierce!"

"This is a kindergarten, not a fan meeting." Gu Beiyan suddenly rushed in like a calf, pushing the middle class boys away, "Yuanyuan is going back to the classroom!"

(End of this chapter)

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