The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 735 Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

Chapter 735 Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Gu Beiyan grabbed Yu Yuanyuan with one hand and Chu Qi with the other, trying to protect them back to the classroom.

Unexpectedly, the group of people surrounded them again and blocked their way.

Gu Beiyan pushed his chest on purpose, but they still refused to move away.

"It's just signing a name and taking a photo. How much time can be wasted?"

"Before the fire starts, play big cards!"

"Yeah, we filmed it and put it online so that other people can see it too."

These people were so aggressive that Yu Zaizai, who had never seen such a scene, was a little scared.

In particular, he was still surrounded by a group of people who were taller than Gu Beiyan.

"How dare you!" Gu Beiyan yelled back angrily.

The person on the other side has already taken out his phone and watch, ready to shoot: "Why don't you dare?"

As soon as the words fell, Gu Beiyan suddenly pushed his head against the man's chest like a calf.

The little boy who fell to the ground groaned twice, and the "little brothers" immediately swarmed up.

Two grabbing hands, two pulling feet, the little boy who fell on the ground got up and wanted to kick Gu Beiyan's stomach.

Seeing that Gu Beiyan was about to be beaten, Yu Yuanyuan was frightened and froze.

She looked left and right, the teacher is not here, what should I do?
Don't let Beiyan get hurt!

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, beating, beating, beating!" The desperate little boy closed his eyes, rushed to the person who was about to kick Gu Beiyan, and waved his claws like crazy.

That short-looking little hand was extremely fast, hitting the boy's face and shoulders hula hula.

The little girl who looked soft and sticky, but the hand hit her body was so painful.

The boy's cheeks and neck were scratched several times by Yu Yuanyuan's claws swung at Xuying.

Although the wound was small, it was painful.

They were all children, and the grievance in their hearts was magnified by the pain, and they burst into tears with a bark.

"The boss was beaten and cried!" The other four exclaimed, "Teach them a lesson!!"

Gu Beiyan fought with the other three, Yu Zaizai and Chu Qi cleaned up one, and the rest who was beaten and cried by Yu Zaizai didn't care to participate, and stood aside and cried hoarsely, as if to give this Fighting accompaniment.

Wen Zifei, who saw the whole process in the classroom, quickly got up and rushed to the scene of chaos: "Stop beating, the teacher is here!"

After the boys paused, Yu Yuanyuan scratched their paws a few more times.

The other three were kicked and knelt on the ground by Gu Beiyan, unable to get up.

"Woof!" More and more people were crying.

Wen Zifei saw that he couldn't stop him, so he had no choice but to grab him.

Unexpectedly, the remaining three people were so jealous that they pushed Wen Zifei to the ground.

"Zifei was beaten, everyone!"

The little friends in the classroom hula-la rushed up again, and just about to mingle, the teacher rushed over.

"You can't fight, all stop."

Several teachers split up to stop, and finally stopped a group of little beans.

Teacher Su saw Yu Yuanyuan among the fighting crowd from a distance, and felt uneasy, worrying that she had an injury and bump, and it would be difficult to explain to Yu Jinxiao at that time.

Wait until it gets close...

She found out that it was Yu Yuanyuan and Chu Qi who were beating others, not Yu Yuanyuan.

On the other end, Gu Beiyan beat three of them one by one. Although he suffered a little injury, he beat the three middle class boys.

Here, Chu Qi and Yu Yuanyuan also won the battle, beating the little boy until he cried, and there were tiny scratches on the back of his hands and face.

The only boy not in the mess was barking and crying.

"What's going on? Why are you fighting?" After checking the children in her class, Teacher Su nervously asked about the situation just now.

Gu Beiyan wiped his hands on the clothes and wiped off the dirt on his face: "They insisted on signing Yuanyuan and taking pictures of them, and they also said that Yuanyuan was playing big names, and they wanted to take pictures and put them on the Internet, so that netizens would scold Yuanyuan. round."

"Ms. Su, on my side...the four children are all injured." Teacher Liang from the middle class wondered.

"She hit it! It was her!" With the support of the teacher, the two boys in the middle class raised their hands together and pointed at Yu Yuanyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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