The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 744 Everyone is not an ordinary child

Chapter 744 Everyone is not an ordinary child
Wen Zifei, who was always arrogant, turned his head away in embarrassment.

Wen Ting had never seen his son like this before, and frowned a little puzzled, as if he was studying the reason for his son's rare expression.

"Okay, then it's called Zifei~~" Yu Yuanyuan repeated after speaking.

Xiao Zai Zai was very happy, and Yu Jinxiao suddenly felt nervous beside her.

What kind of harvester physique is this little cub? ?
Why does everyone seem to have some weird idea!

Why do you blush just by calling your name? ?
Yu Jinxiao originally thought that Wen Zifei was the one who didn't need to worry the least, but unexpectedly...he is not a fuel-efficient little lamp either!

"Okay, since there's nothing else to do, you can go to class well." With a palm on the top of Xiao Zai Zai's head, Yu Jinxiao stopped her words in time.

Otherwise, he was afraid that Wen Zifei's face would turn red enough to explode on the spot.

The little cub had no idea what he was doing.

"Well, Dad is going back too, Beiyan, you have to be good." Gu Jingye also knelt down to greet Gu Beiyan, and tidied his clothes for him.

"Son, why don't you go to class, let's go home and play!" Only Wen Ting's painting style is different from others, "It doesn't matter if you don't attend kindergarten class, my son is so smart."

After finishing speaking, Wen Ting's cold and handsome face showed a smirk of self-contradictory complacency.

"No, I want to go to class." Wen Zifei's expression was indifferent.

For him, going home to play with his father is better than attending kindergarten.

Children should play with children.

"But your hand is hurt..."

"It's not serious at all, it's just a little bit of skin."


"I'm back in the classroom."

After all, Wen Zifei walked towards the kindergarten classroom like a little man.

Wen Ting was left alone, staring at his son's reliable back and sighing in disappointment.

Yu Jinxiao and Gu Jingye secretly looked at each other, as if they were surprised that the roles of father and son were reversed, right? ?
"Baba~~Yuanyuan is going to class." Yu Zaizai groaned and didn't want to leave, as if he couldn't bear to part with his father.

Gu Beiyan next door, in order to look like a little man in front of Yu Yuanyuan, also waved his hand, took two steps in a chic way, and then stopped to wait for Yu Yuanyuan and Chu Qi.

"Qiqi, be good at school. If something happens to you, how can I explain to your parents." The nanny frowned, worried.

Xiao Zai Zai, who heard the nanny's words, panned over and explained loudly: "Qiqi is very good!"

The nanny and Chu Qi were stunned at the same time.

Yu Jinxiao also wanted to cover Xiao Zai Zai's mouth.

People talk about their own family affairs, so what does it matter to her?This has to be interrupted!
"Qiqi's grades are very good, she's never been naughty, she... she's very obedient, she has won the most red flowers," Yu Yuanyuan lowered her head in embarrassment, staring at her gently grinding toes, "Yuanyuan will be good too, and won't hurt Qiqida."

When Yu Yuanyuan said this, the apex of the nanny's heart ached, and she quickly touched Xiao Zai Zai's head.

"No, no, Yuanyuan is also very good."

Such a cute little Douding admits her mistake, who can bear to blame her?
In fact, the nanny also knew that it was not Chu Qi's fault. She was an outsider in the whole process, and she was involved only to help her friends.

It's just that she didn't expect Chu Qi's friends...

None of them are ordinary children!

She might have to talk to Chu Qi's parents about this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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