The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 745 Zifei, Your Face Is So Red Today

Chapter 745 Zifei, Your Face Is So Red Today

The parents bid farewell to the children next to each other, and watched a group of little Douding stagger back to the classroom.

The nanny aunt was in it, feeling that she was under a lot of pressure, and after saying hello obediently, she was going to leave first.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she turned around, Wen Ting yelled from behind: "Stop!"

The nanny's feet were trembling with fright: "Yes... is there anything else?"

"Oh, I'm just asking where you're going, and I can give you a ride along the way." Under Wen Ting's fierce expression and tone, the style of the content of the speech was extremely contrasting.

It turned out that it was not finding fault!

The nanny tried her best to squeeze out a grateful smile: "No, thank you, I live nearby."

Yu Jinxiao & Gu Jingye: With such an expression, who would dare to ride in his car.

"Okay." Wen Ting nodded with fierce and polite eyes.

As soon as the nanny left, the third of the four giants in Jiangcheng was left in place.

On weekdays, Wen Ting rarely interacted with them, and he knew their names, but he hadn't cooperated much in business.

The industry that Wen Ting holds is the largest toy company in Huaguo. It is estimated that 90% of the children in Huaguo have toys from his company.

There is also export business, which has no contact with Gu Jingye and Yu Jinxiao's fields.

"It seems that Zifei and your children are good friends." Wen Ting suddenly reached out his hand to them with a cold and resolute face, "Zifei seldom mentioned friends when he went home, but now he often hears He mentioned them."

Yu Jinxiao and Gu Jingye shook hands with him intentionally. Under that indifferent face, the strength of the handshake was really not small.

The squeeze made Gu Jingye's face twitch, with a dull pain.

"Take the kids out to play with you when you have time," Wen Ting suddenly laughed, which caught Gu Jingye and Yu Jinxiao off guard, "It's very rare for Zifei to make good friends."

"No problem, no problem." Gu Jingye immediately agreed with a smile.

Yu Jinxiao nodded without showing too much emotion.

What are you bringing out...

Let a group of kids quarrel until their heads explode?
Just thinking about that scene made Yu Jinxiao feel horrible.

The three parents here suddenly became harmonious, and a few children in the classroom were still chattering about what happened just now.

"Zifei, why are your hands wrapped like this?" A group of Wen Zifei's friends lay on the table worriedly looking at the gauze wrapped around his palm, "Is it serious?"

Wen Zifei replied calmly: "It's not serious..."

His voice obviously seemed to be unfinished, but due to some unknown factors, he seemed to be hesitating whether to continue.

"It's fine, if that group of people come looking for trouble next time, remember to call us!"

These words were like a small ball hitting Wen Zifei's heart suddenly, and the stuffy feeling gradually spread.

"Thank you, thank you all." Wen Zifei's cheeks were a little red.

He has never been used to saying "thank you". At a young age, he is always superior. For this group of friends, he also tacitly admits that he is superior to others, and he does not regard them as true friends.

But when he was pushed down just now, he heard someone shouting for help, and everyone was very loyal.

Thinking of his previous attitude, Wen Zifei couldn't help feeling a little guilty.

He was not used to expressing his feelings, so it took a lot of effort to say "thank you".

After returning to her seat, Yu Yuanyuan lay down on the table and yawned, and said in a daze, "Wow, Zifei, your face is so red today, are you sick?"

"Yu Yuanyuan!!" Wen Zifei shouted in shock.

(End of this chapter)

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