Chapter 746
Not every child is as stupid as Yu Yuanyuan, who knows nothing and cannot read.

When the friends heard that Zifei blushed, several of them squatted down to watch.

Sure enough, it was bright red like a shrimp just out of the pan.

"Hahahaha, Zifei, you will be embarrassed too! It's so rare!"

"Shut up, don't say anything." Wen Zi put on a fierce tone embarrassingly.

Normally, the friends would have thought he was angry, but today the atmosphere is different. They knew that Wen Zifei didn't order in an aggressive tone on purpose, but because of embarrassment.

The children were noisy for a while, and it was time for class again.

Even if a minor incident happened just now, the children can quickly forget the unhappy things, and the new song taught by the teacher lively diverted their attention.

Now the other big and small classes all know that Yu Yuanyuan is a big star, but they can't just take pictures of her or disturb her.

Because she has three very... no, a group of friends who cannot be offended.

Who dares to pester Yu Yuanyuan during the break, a silly-looking little boy and a cold-faced little girl will immediately stand up.

Immediately afterwards, a person with a particularly cold and irritable face would appear, and behind him would be a large group of little boys, that number...

That battle alone was enough to scare everyone away.

Yu Yuanyuan finally spent a day of her campus life peacefully.

She had a group of "little bodyguards" at school, and on the way home, she was protected by a reliable adult from Gaozhou who hit ten.

Gao Zhou also heard about Mr. Yu's visit to the kindergarten today.

While driving, he chattered to the little boy sitting in the back seat: "Miss Yuanyuan, if you are in trouble, you can call me! No one dares to bully you, I will definitely beat them to death!"

Yu Yuanyuan was looking at the scenery outside the window, but was attracted by Gao Zhou's words: "Huh?"

That slightly suspicious tone made Gao Zhou a little confused.

Did he say the wrong thing?

"Gao Susu, children are very fragile," Yu Zaizai looked shocked and worried, "If you beat them, you will beat them... like broken puffs."

Broken puffs...

Gao Zhou seriously imagined it, but replaced the white cream filling with red.

Damn it, it's so scary!

That's right, the kindergarten is full of children, and as an adult, he always uses "beating" to fight back, which seems too violent.

Hey, even Miss Yuanyuan understands the truth, but he just realized it.

"Miss Yuanyuan can also call me, and I'll scold them for you!" Afraid of frightening Miss Yuanyuan, Gao Zhou emphasized again, "You won't lose a piece of meat if you scold someone!"

That's right, swearing at people can piss off those brats to death without hurting them, so it's okay for him to do this.

Although arguing with the little ghost head seemed invincible and naive, but when he thought of someone bullying Miss Yuanyuan, Gao Zhou couldn't care less about losing face or not.

"Yuanyuan is also very good at swearing now," Zaizai in the back row patted his stomach proudly, "Hehehe, Gao Susu, don't worry about Yuanyuan."

Gao Zhou was a little lost.

He originally wanted to earn some performance in Miss Yuanyuan's heart, but he didn't expect that none of his proposals won her approval.

Hey, in Miss Yuanyuan's heart, apart from being able to drive, he probably has no use.

Lost, Gao Zhou turned up the stereo in the car a little bit, and sent Yu Zaizai home.

But just as he carried the cub off the child seat as usual, Yu Yuanyuan suddenly stretched her arms around his neck, buried her little head in Gao Zhou's ear and said in a low voice, "Gao Susu, if someone bullies you in the future, Just call Yuanyuan, and Yuanyuan will scold him for you! Yuanyuan scolds people really well!"

(End of this chapter)

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