The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 747 You Can Win Too?

Chapter 747 You Can Win Too?

Gao Zhou never expected that Xiao Zai Zai would say these words.

On the way home, he was full of sadness and frustration because he could not provide Miss Yuanyuan with reliable trust and a sense of security.

Unexpectedly, that little figure was actually planning something else.

She was actually worried that Gao Zhou would be bullied, and she thought she was vicious and wanted to be his backing!
She completely forgot what Ma Ma said about Gao Susu's past. In Yu Zaizai's heart, Gao Susu is also her good friend, and a good friend should not be bullied!

"Thank you... Thank you, Miss Yuanyuan." Gao Zhou was actually a little moved, and suddenly his eyes were moist.

Probably the most healing moment of raising a baby is this moment.

The obviously fragile little milk bag has great courage and is willing to let him, an adult, stand out.

this means……

He also has weight in her heart! ! !

Gao Zhou couldn't tell what the emotion in his heart was like.

Probably because he is neither Yu Yuanyuan's relative nor a friend of her age, but she is willing to regard herself as an important existence in her heart.

"Hehehe, you're welcome~~" Xiao Zaizai smiled foolishly, patting Gao Zhou's neck with warm paws.

This... this soft feeling, like a kitten!

Gao Zhou squinted his eyes, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was almost bewildered. He put Yuanyuan back on the ground: "Miss Yuanyuan, go slowly~"

"Gaosusu bye~" Yu Yuanyuan walked two steps into the yard, then suddenly turned around, standing at the gate of the yard with a round body, waving his claws at him.

Seeing her cute and cute appearance, Gao Zhou couldn't bear to shake his head and walk away, and kept waving his hands back in the car.

Just like this, you came and I went back and forth for several minutes, when the cold winter wind suddenly blew Yu Yuanyuan sneezed hard.

"Ah...Ah Choo!" Xiao Zai Zai shook his head and raised his head with dizzy eyes.

Only then did Gao Zhou realize that it was all his fault for saying goodbye for so long, and Yuanyuan had been standing at the door to respond to him if he didn't leave.

"Miss Yuanyuan, go in quickly, it's cold outside." After finishing speaking, Gao Zhou rolled up the window cruelly and accelerated to leave.

When the rear of his car disappeared around the corner, Yu Zaizai swayed and went upstairs with his schoolbag on his back to change his clothes.

Taking off her school uniform, Yu Yuanyuan changed into a white fluffy coat, her hair was let loose casually, and she ran downstairs to play with Dahua while stepping on her little red shoes that made noise.

It's been cold recently, Uncle Yang was afraid that the big flower would be cold, so he enlarged the cat house for it, and Yu Jinxiao spent money to install an air conditioner for it.

The new cat house is very big, with floor-to-ceiling windows on one side, and a sofa specially designed for cats inside.

"Dafa, Yuanyuan had a fight in the kindergarten today!" Thinking of the fight, Yu Zaizai felt so novel and couldn't help but want to share it with Dahua.

Da Hua, who gnawed a few mouthfuls of cat food, narrowed one eye and raised her head in doubt: "Huh? Just you? Fight? You won't lose, right?"

Although Yu Yuanyuan was not very good at reading air, Dahua's tone seemed to disbelieve her strength: "Yuanyuan won! That little brother was beaten and cried by Yuanyuan!"

Dahua couldn't believe it, and both cat eyes widened: "You can win too?"

Thinking back when he was bullied by the twins, this human cub only knew how to run, but now he can fight?

"However, it seems wrong to fight," Yu Zaizai glanced around guiltily, and changed his words nervously, "But Yuanyuan really won~"

"Ah? Yuanyuan, you got into a fight!!" Suddenly, two neat roars sounded outside the cat house.

(End of this chapter)

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