The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 748 I want to give it to Yuanyuan at the first sight

Chapter 748 I want to give it to Yuanyuan at a glance
The Mo twins, who hadn't appeared for a while, stood neatly outside the cat house.

When building a new cat house before, Uncle Yang selfishly wanted passers-by to see the lovely big flowers, so he cut off a section of the outer fence of the cat house and connected it with the transparent floor-to-ceiling glass of the cat house to form a fake The effect of the fence.

Mo Yunqing and Mo Yunlan wanted to find Yuanyuan, and when they passed by the glass that suddenly appeared on the other side, they saw the cute little cub inside.

They wanted to say hello to Yuanyuan, but they didn't expect to hear her chattering with Dahua.

Especially the word "fight".

In the minds of the twins, Yu Yuanyuan is just a soft and cute little milk bag. If they have conflicts with others, they will only worry about the little cub being bullied, and they will never think of her fighting with others.

The point is, she actually won the fight!
The twins looked at each other, as if they were doubting the truth of Yu Yuanyuan's words.

Seeing Mo Yunqing and Mo Yunlan coming, Yu Yuanyuan ran out of the cat house holding Dahua Diandian: "Brother Yunlan, brother Yunqing~~"

Just listening to the warm greeting from Xiao Zai Zai is enough to make the twins happy and satisfied.

They originally thought that since they hadn't come back for a while, Yuanyuan would no longer care about them.

"Yuanyuan!" The two opened their schoolbags, and one of them contributed some snacks and small gifts brought back from abroad, "These are the gifts we brought!"

They were taken abroad by their father to play around before, and they just came back recently.

When they were abroad, when they saw beautiful and delicious things, they wanted to buy them all as gifts for Yuanyuan.

Before I knew it, all the hard-earned pocket money was used up.

It's strange to say that the father who hardly has time to play with them on weekdays will take them abroad to play together for the first time!
When Mo Yunqing and Mo Yunlan heard their father's proposal, they were so shocked that they didn't recover for a long time.

Even though they went abroad for a business trip, it was the first time that Dad took the initiative to take them out to play together.

They even finished their official business abroad and took them to many interesting and beautiful places.

Such a good day was something they had never experienced before.

However, the twins never thought that Mo Yanrui's change was all because of Yu Yuanyuan's dream.

And because Yu Jinxiao passed this matter on to Mo Yanrui, he realized his failure as a father.

"Wow, what are you talking about?" Xiao Zaizai's eyes were full of surprises, and he even wanted to let go of the big flower and grab the presents to look at them.

In order not to hurt Da Hua's little heart, Yu Yuanyuan still had some reason, and tried hard to hold Da Hua with one hand, but in vain, she was forced to put Da Hua on her shoulder, leaving one hand free to look through the presents .

"This is a hairpin, Yuanyuan, let me pin it on your hair for you, okay?" Mo Yunqing held up a small pink flower hairpin.

The material is soft silk, which is very delicately made, and there is a little reflective pattern under the pink color.

The golden clipping part has also been carefully processed so that it will not scratch your hands.

All of these were carefully checked and selected by Mo Yunqing before buying with confidence.

The color and style of the hairpin made Mo Yunqing immediately want to give it to Yuanyuan.

She is like a cute little pink flower, looking at her can remind people of the most beautiful spring.

"Okay, okay!" Yu Zaizai nodded desperately, as if he would never refuse others' kindness.

Mo Yunqing's smile was a little nervous, and he gently lifted a bunch of round hair with a hairpin.

It was the first time for him to touch Yuanyuan's hair carefully, as if holding a precious and fragile gem, and he couldn't help feeling nervous.

(End of this chapter)

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