The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 752 Suddenly Kneeling to the Ground

Chapter 752 Suddenly Kneeling to the Ground
"Will you hurt brother Yunlan?" Yu Yuanyuan shrank her claws in horror.

In her small world view, her sharp claws are too powerful, she has beaten and cried two little brothers, what if she hurts brother Yunlan again?
When Mo Yunlan heard it, she felt that she was considered a fragile product by that little Douding, how could she be so easily injured!

"It's okay, Yuanyuan, we're just practicing, and we won't get hurt." Mo Yunlan patted his heart, straightened his back and emphasized.

If he was knocked down by Yu Yuanyuan's small body, what would happen?

He doesn't have to mess around in school anymore!
"Okay, brother Yunlan, you have to be careful~~" Nervous Zai Zai was worried, and said while gesticulating with his paws for emphasis.

Mo Yunlan didn't want to show a disdainful expression, which would be too hurtful for Yuanyuan, so she had to pretend to cooperate with her and nod solemnly.

The three children came to the nearby grassland, Mo Yunqing asked Mo Yunlan to stand opposite, pulled Yu Yuanyuan closer, and gestured to her with her hands while explaining.

"Did Yuanyuan see this position?" Mo Yunqing pointed at Mo Yunlan's bent knee, "If someone taller than you wants to bully you, you can kick with your fist or kick."

Yu Yuanyuan stared at the back of Mo Yunlan's feet for a few seconds, then raised her head in doubt: "Ah? Is there anything special about Jieli?"

"Of course, the places I told you are all easier positions to attack! Yuanyuan can give it a try!" After finishing speaking, Mo Yunqing encouraged Yu Yuanyuan to try.

The dubious little cub took two steps forward, took an unsteady pony gait, and raised his claws that were clenched into fists——

Mo Yunlan felt that the back of her knee was hit, but there was no strength.

Sure enough, Yuanyuan is so cute, how could she hurt someone?

"Is it Jiangzi?" Yu Yuanyuan looked at her "fighting teacher" Mo Yunqing suspiciously.

"The position is right, but Yuanyuan doesn't seem to be exerting all her strength?" Mo Yunqing had a general understanding of Yu Yuanyuan's strength, and she could tell from her movements that she was not exerting force seriously.

It was just a test, and he knocked casually at the position he designated.

"But... Yuanyuan is afraid that brother Yunlan will get hurt." Xiao Zaizai still has concerns.

In her heart, her combat power is 5000, and in the hearts of the twins, her combat power is 5.

Being knocked with such force, what kind of injury can you suffer?

Originally, Mo Yunqing didn't expect Yu Yuanyuan to fight with people whose strength was far greater than her own, but just wanted to teach her to fight back with people who were not much different from her, so that she would not be bullied.

"It's okay, Yuanyuan, my skin is very thick, I won't get hurt! If you don't use all your strength, you won't learn how to fight!" Mo Yunlan patted her heart and then her thigh.

Even the muffled sound of the shooting sounds very strong and durable.

Yu Yuanyuan hesitated for a few seconds, then shook her head seriously: "Okay, then... let Yuanyuan try."

This time, Xiao Zai Zai seems to be determined to do it for real.

She clenched her claws tightly, and slowly raised her little arm...

"Hey, yes, that's it, don't be afraid, work harder..." Mo Yunlan, as the victim of the beating, kept encouraging her.

"Hey!" A childish voice called out.

In the next second, Mo Yunlan couldn't control her feet and knelt down on one knee with a plop.

The knees that had been hit by Yu Yuanyuan suddenly fell to the ground as if they were out of control.

Mo Yunlan was stunned on the spot.

Cub Zai raised his sharp claws and blinked blankly.

(End of this chapter)

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