The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 753 Learning is useless, learning is useless

Chapter 753 Learning is useless, learning is useless

"Very good!" Mo Yunqing clapped her hands and praised in an excited voice.

Mo Yunlan, who was beaten to the knees, realized later, and clapped her hands instinctively: "Yuanyuan succeeded, it's amazing."

"Brother Yunlan~~" Xiao Zai Zai ran forward and hurriedly supported his arm, with a worried face, "Are you not injured?"

"Hey, it's okay. Isn't there grass here? The grass is very soft!" Mo Yunlan patted the grass a few times to ease her embarrassment at this time.

Just now he thought it was impossible for Yuanyuan to defeat him, but she really made him kneel down with a paw, and she was caught off guard, without any mental preparation.

"Has Yuanyuan learned this?" Mo Yunqing pointed to the bend of Mo Yunlan's knee, "If the opponent is taller than you, you can hit it with your hands or kick it."

"It's useless to study, it's useless to study," excited Zaizai nodded vigorously, his eyes twinkled, "Yuanyuan did it!"

"It must be fast, and you must use all your strength to knock down the opponent." Mo Yunqing clasped her hands, as if she had become her little teacher.

Yu Yuanyuan nodded in agreement, and asked, "Brother Yunqing, is there any other way?"

"Yes, there are many more, I will teach you two more moves today," said Mo Yunqing, patting Mo Yunlan's leg, motioning for him to kneel back again, "Now I will teach you another move, this move is the same as before. That move is connected, but you have to remember..."

The tone suddenly became serious at the end, and Yu Yuanyuan listened very seriously.

"If you use this trick together, it can only be used on the little friends who are about the same height as Yuanyuan after kneeling down."


"Yuanyuan, you need to learn how to weigh before you fight. If you can't fight, there's no need to fight hard. You have to be smart."

These complicated words made Yu Yuanyuan's eyes widen: "Squeaky cricket?"

"I just want to find a way to minimize my loss." Mo Yunqing adjusted the crooked hairpin on her head, "If you lose, you will be injured. This is a loss. Yuanyuan can't be injured, understand? ?”

"Understood!" Xiao Zai Zai is a super qualified "student", she will listen to whatever Mo Yunqing says.

"So, sometimes it's not just about fighting, but about temporarily knocking the opponent down to the ground and giving yourself a chance to run away."

"Oh! Yuanyuan understands!" Yu Yuanyuan jumped up excitedly, "When watching the cats and cats team before, Yuanyuan saw this method."

"Now that Yuanyuan understands, let's learn another coherent movement."

Mo Yunlan had already knelt on the ground as required, Yu Yuanyuan circled behind him, and Mo Yunqing was chirping and quacking to guide her to do it.

I don't know why, Mo Yunlan's previous disdain for Yu Yuanyuan's attack power has been shaken, and when she can't see the situation behind her, she even feels a little uneasy.

He wasn't sure what operations Mo Yunqing would teach Yu Yuanyuan.

"I kicked Yunlan just now, and he is already kneeling on the ground, right?" Mo Yunqing pointed at Mo Yunlan's neck, "During a fight, if the opponent is already kneeling, Yuanyuan should immediately Jump up and lock your throat!"

"What a horse! What kind of animal is a lock monkey?"


Mo Yunqing paused for a few seconds, realizing that he should use simpler words to describe Yu Yuanyuan.

"That's it." After finishing speaking, Mo Yunqing went around behind Mo Yunlan, wrapping his hands around his neck from behind.

"Yuanyuan understands!" Xiao Zai Zai, who was learning how to fight, memorized every step very seriously.

"Try Yuanyuan."

(End of this chapter)

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