The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 76 Need a lot of money

Chapter 76 Need a lot of money
The voice full of childlike innocence sounds innocent and sweet.

It seems to be saying a very simple thing.

With her head held high, Yu Yuanyuan looked curiously into the man's eyes, those beautiful jewel-like pupils constantly radiated a strange temperature.

It makes a man feel as if his heart is covered with a layer of gentle warmth.

The previous tension, pain, despair, and annoyance seemed to be washed and purified at this moment, and my heart calmed down instantly.

"Yes, if you make a mistake, you can correct it, but..." The man choked up and couldn't continue.

He didn't want to take this wrong step, but he had no choice.

The seriously ill daughter needs high medical expenses, and he only needs to get the company's confidential documents, and he can get enough remuneration.

No matter how careful he was, things would still be exposed, and the situation at this moment would happen.

The man knew that he couldn't escape today, but when he thought of his daughter who was struggling to survive in the ward, his heart ached.

"But what duck? Is Susu in trouble?" Xiao Zai Zai asked curiously.

"Money, I need money, a lot of money."

"That's it," Yu Yuanyuan seemed to understand, and at such a young age, she had no idea about money, "Maybe this Yuanyuan can help you."

After finishing speaking, she raised her fleshy little paw and patted the top of the man's head.

Clenched a small fist in his left hand against his knee, and patted his right hand gently, as if he was afraid of not having enough wealth, so he added a few more times.

"Okay, Susu, you should have money soon," Yu Yuanyuan stood up proudly with her hips on her hips, posing with a straight body, "but Susu can't do bad things anymore, you be a Good man."

Looking at the innocent eyes in front of him, the man was speechless for a moment.

He knew it was just comfort.

The innocent and useless consolation of a little friend.

But his heart was still touched by something. Suddenly thinking of his child who was still in the hospital bed, a surge of strength surged through him, giving him a new plan.

"Mr. Yu, give me another chance," the man borrowed his knee and turned his body to Yu Jinxiao, "I don't want to die, if I die, there will be no one to help my daughter. I will take the things back, I haven't to that person."

Yu Jinxiao was thoughtful, his eyes were cold, and he just looked at the man motionlessly, the terrifying sense of menace in his gaze made people feel like a light on his back.

The man kneeling on the ground gritted his teeth and did not avoid the sight.

It seems that no matter how terrifying his eyes are, he can't stop his determination to change the status quo.

"Okay, I can give you a chance." After Yu Jinxiao finished speaking in a volume that everyone could hear, he leaned closer to his ear, "For the sake of that little guy, this is also your last chance."

The man nodded gratefully, his eyes flushed: "I understand."

Xiao Zai Zai standing between the two tilted his head in doubt.

The dialogue of adults is so difficult to understand!
The two subordinates untied the man, maybe because he knelt for too long, the man staggered for a long time before he stood up, with a piece of paper floating down from his body.

Cub Cub subconsciously caught it with his claws and tried to lift it up: "Susu, your paper has fallen."

"Heh, I'm still in the mood to buy a lottery ticket." The subordinate glanced at the piece of paper and found that it was a lottery ticket, sneering and teasing.

The man didn't want to answer at first, but seeing those lovely eyes, he couldn't bear to refuse.

Holding the lottery ticket in his hand, he suddenly felt that this thin page seemed like a gift.

"It was a gift from a friend." The man sneered back at the two of them.

The man treated Yu Jinxiao very respectfully, bent slightly, and dragged his tired body towards the dark place on the beach.

Yu Jinxiao was looking at the man's back, thoughtful, when suddenly the phone rang.

As soon as he picked it up, there was Gao Zhou's panicked voice that was about to cry.

"Mr. Yu, Miss!!!"

Yu Jinxiao remained expressionless: "Oh, I know."

Gao Zhou pinched the phone in shock, and his back was covered in cold sweat.

"She's next to me."

(End of this chapter)

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