The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 77 Who Said He Cried!

Chapter 77 Who Said He Cried!
Gao Zhou has endured too much since Yu Yuanyuan appeared.

Yu Jinxiao had never seen him so out of control, his voice was almost crying.

Knowing Gaozhou for so many years, it was a little boy who broke his defense.

"What!!!" Gao Zhou's voice suddenly rose, so thin that it almost pierced Yu Jinxiao's eardrum.

The phone was ruthlessly taken away, and then Yu Jinxiao hung up directly.

The two subordinates were useless, Yu Jinxiao sent them away, picked up the little cub, and finally waited until there were only the two of them.

Yu Yuanyuan nestled happily on her father's shoulder, her broad chest felt safe.

"Didn't I tell you to wait in the car? Why are you running around?"

Xiao Zai Zai, who was happy for less than two seconds, was liquidated on the spot.

Dad's voice is so scary, it sounds cold, cooler than the sea breeze.

But now there is nowhere to escape the duck.

Yu Yuanyuan struggled symbolically twice, and Yu Jinxiao had no intention of letting her fall to the ground at all.

The broad chest became like an iron cage, making it inevitable for the little cub to face the terrifying aura emanating from his father.

"Yuan... Yuanyuan... miss you!" Xiao Zai Zai, who was trying to think of an excuse, entered the scene in a second.

She went in the opposite direction, instead of hiding, she hooked Yu Jinxiao's neck and pierced his neck with her little head.

The fluffy little cat's head arched so that the skin itched, Yu Jinxiao almost couldn't hold back, and even the frozen coldness on his face began to melt.

"Hehe, miss me? I think you are just running around!" Yu Jinxiao tried his best to maintain his aloofness, and he must not be discouraged at the critical moment of educating children, "Uncle Gao cried in fright when you disappeared."

In order to increase the effect of intimidation, Yu Jinxiao decided to betray Gao Zhou and make him as miserable as he wanted.

"Uncle Gao called just now to say that you were missing, and he was crying so badly on the phone."

The small face with a slight smile froze, Yu Yuanyuan digested what her father said in a daze, her eyebrows and eyes shrugged guiltily, and she pursed her small mouth silently.

This method may not be useful for other children, but this little one is different, Yu Jinxiao has already figured out her character.

"You scared Uncle Gao, you know that?"

Yu Yuanyuan lowered her head, pouted sadly, and stared at her legs in a daze.

Even though Xiao Zai Zai was silent, Yu Jinxiao knew that his words had worked.

At least make her realize that she has done a wrong thing.

To teach children not to force-feed ducks, Yu Jinxiao didn't bombard her, leaving time for her to reflect and digest.

On the contrary, he was a little curious about what happened to Yu Yuanyuan's abnormal behavior tonight.

Not only climbed into the trunk, but also escaped Gao Zhou and came to him quietly.

All the goals... seem to be aimed at him.

At this time, the little head was drooping and was reflecting, Yu Jinxiao lowered his head, just in time to see the dull round head.

Yu Jinxiao really couldn't believe that the three-and-a-half-year-old child had any conspiracy.

What's more, Gao Zhou has spent a lot of energy investigating the matter about Yu Yuanyuan, and there is nothing strange about it.

Is it really just a moment of mischief?

"Miss Yuanyuan!!!" After a distance, Gao Zhou was so happy when he saw Yu Jinxiao who came back with the cub in his arms.

As soon as it landed, Yu Yuanyuan immediately rushed over with small steps: "Gaosusu!!!"

The two guilt-ridden people had not met again for a long time, and rushed in both directions excitedly.

"Gao Susu, Yuanyuan is wrong, Yuanyuan shouldn't be running around! The mud cloth is going to cry!" U-shaped pillow-like arms suddenly hugged Gao Zhou's legs, and the buzzing sound of the little milk bag aroused his doubts.

Boo is going to cry?
do not Cry?
Who said he was crying! !

(End of this chapter)

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