The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 762 Taking a cool step proudly

Chapter 762 Taking a cool step proudly
Now it's time to save Brother Yunqing and Brother Yunlan, and to save Baba, Xiao Zaizai thought about it in her heart, she must get in touch with them more, so that she can have a chance to help her father.

"Okay, okay," Xiao Zaizai agreed repeatedly, pointing in the direction of the room, "Yuanyuan go tell Auntie to come out soon!"

No matter where she goes, Yu Yuanyuan will tell the adults first, and will not run around.

After getting Aunt Chen's consent, she took a little brother by the hand and bounced to the twins' house.

It was the first time for Yu Yuanyuan to go to their house, the house was huge, but empty, not as cozy as Yu's house.

The yard is also very simple to take care of, there are not many flowers, and there are more climbing plants and small trees to trim.

As soon as you step into the yard, you can smell a strong smell of green grass.

The Mo family has only one servant, who is mainly responsible for the daily life and food of the twins. Mo Yanrui rarely comes here, so there are more traces of the life of the twins in this room.

"Wow, the room is so big~~" As soon as Xiao Zai Zai stepped in, he raised his head and looked around.

"Ah, is there a guest?" The servant is a tall and strong looking uncle, and the cartoon apron on his chest looks a bit cute in contrast.

Yu Yuanyuan looked over following the voice, raised his hand and pointed at his stomach: "It's Team Meow!"

"That's right, kid, do you like Team Meow?"

"That's right!" Yu Yuanyuan nodded excitedly, "Susu, do you know the Meow Team?"

"I know." The uncle nodded with a smile.

As if meeting a bosom friend by chance, Xiao Zai Zai's first impression of this uncle suddenly became good.

"Yuanyuan, this is Uncle Wang," Mo Yunqing led Yuanyuan and introduced, "Uncle Wang, this is Yuanyuan, her house is not far ahead."

"Come in, please play first, I will prepare some drinks and snacks."

"Thank you, Uncle Wang."

Mo Yunqing brought Yu Yuanyuan to the upstairs lounge, pointed to a small black box and said, "Yuanyuan, look, this is it!"

Yu Yuanyuan has also seen her second brother play game consoles, but she has never played them herself.

The second brother said that she can't play well with her little brain now.

A long time ago, Xiao Zai Zai was eager to try, and today he finally got the chance.

"Huh? Isn't Mo Susu at home?" Although she wanted to play games, Yu Yuanyuan didn't forget that she had business to do.

"Father usually comes back late." After a pause, Mo Yunqing had a rare smile on his face, "He didn't live here before, but he moved back recently."

Yu Yuanyuan scratched her head in doubt, but did not ask her own question.

Strange, why doesn't the family live together?

Xiao Zaizai has never played a game console before. After Mo Yunqing helped her connect, she explained the operation to her, and Yu Zaizai was dizzy just by the operation.

After officially starting the game, she didn't know what to press at all, so she pressed indiscriminately.

The sound of clicking click sounded quickly, if you don't look at the villain running around on the screen, Yu Yuanyuan's operation really looks like that.

"It's too complicated," Yu Zaizai returned the controller to Mo Yunqing, "Yuanyuan just watch Brother Yunqing play games."

Xiao Douding got up on his legs, looking around with his little head.

"Brother Yunqing, where is the bathroom?"

"At the end of the corridor," Mo Yunqing and Mo Yunlan put down the handles at the same time, leading her to the corridor outside, "it's over there."

However, Yu Yuanyuan is still so young, and there is no other woman in the family who can take her to the bathroom.

Will this work?

"Yuanyuan, can you do it alone?" Mo Yunqing asked uncertainly, "How about I take you home to use the bathroom?"

"It's okay, Yuanyuan can do it alone!"

After all, under the watchful eyes of the two, Xiao Zai Zai proudly took cool steps.

She, Yu Zaizai, went to the bathroom alone in the kindergarten!
(End of this chapter)

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