The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 763 Make Your Life the Way You Want It

Chapter 763 Make Your Life the Way You Want It

Yu Yuanyuan walked forward with big strides, stopped in front of a door, and pulled it open with a whoosh!

Why does the bathroom in brother Yunqing's house look different from hers?

It looks... like a room.

"Yuanyuan, it's the wrong drive, you can't go in there!" Mo Yunqing and Mo Yunlan hurried forward, one to catch the cubs, the other to close the door.

This big battle made Yu Zaizai a little scared.

"What... what's the matter?" Doubting Zaizai turned his head a little nervously.

"This is mother's room, you can't go in," Mo Yunqing said, his expression was not very good, "Dad doesn't allow us to go in casually."

"For Buji, Yuanyuan accidentally drove the wrong car." Xiao Zai Zai immediately apologized on the spot.

"It's okay, it's okay," Mo Yunlan saw Yu Yuanyuan's uneasiness, and patted her head to comfort her, "It's just...if Dad sees it, he will be very angry."

After the words fell, the two little boys fell silent at the same time, staring at the door without making a sound.

Yu Yuanyuan vaguely smelled something strange in the atmosphere.

Actually, she didn't want to talk too much, but that bad gossip in her heart kept encouraging her to ask.

It wasn't Yuanyuan who wanted to ask, but the gossip guy in her heart who wanted to ask!

"Why...why are you so angry?"

Mo Yunqing was brought back to consciousness by Yu Yuanyuan's question, and sighed: "Because my mother lived in this room for a long time before she passed away, and she also left in this room in the end."

Yu Zaizai, who has watched many cartoons, knows that death is equal to death.

What! !
Brother Yunqing and Brother Yunlan's numbness has been washed away!
Yu Yuanyuan's eyes were wide open, with an expression of disbelief.

Probably because she has Ma Ma and her father, when she thinks that Brother Yun Qing and Yun Lan don't have Ma Ma anymore, she can't help but feel bad for them.

"Mom passed away due to illness. There are memories of my mother everywhere here, probably because of this... Dad sold the house and bought it back. He must have felt bad."

"Brother Yunqing, brother Yunlan..." Xiao Zaizai moved forward in small steps, holding one with each hand, with teary eyes.

She didn't dare to imagine what it would be like for Mama or Baba to die, just hearing that word made Xiao Zaizai's heart tremble.

"We're fine," Mo Yunlan said softly, "Before mom got sick, mom took care of us alone. Later, when mom got sick, we moved to grandma's house when we were young. Only dad and mom moved here. recuperate."

"I heard from Uncle Wang that my father never left the house, never left the house, and took care of my mother until her death. Their relationship must be very good."

"Later, my father sold the house and moved to live in another place, but later he was still reluctant and bought the house back and let us live here."

Mo Yunqing was talking, but she burst into tears with a smile.


Although the atmosphere was a bit sad, the twins were still amused by Yu Yuanyuan's words.

wonderland?Is it the cartoon she watched?

"Everyone is going to die, and Yun Lan and I can't escape," Mo Yunqing didn't mean to talk about this heavy topic, but he didn't expect Yu Yuanyuan to be so sensitive about death, "But, everyone dies." We have lived different lives before, and we can choose to make our lives the way we want them to be.”

Yu Yuanyuan was stunned: "The way I want..."

"Yuanyuan, no matter what happens in the future, you have to live happily."

(End of this chapter)

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