The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 765 Listening to the opinion of a 1-year-old child

Chapter 765 I'm Listening to a Three-Year-Old Child's Opinion

After hearing the movement at her feet, Yu Yuanyuan didn't move, and buried her head tremblingly.

Oh, she seems to have kicked over a bottle of dark stuff!

Mo Yunqing had already rushed in immediately, before he had time to check the situation on the table, he carried the little cub off the table first.

People are fine, but his dad's desk is a mess.

Not knowing whether to call it good luck or bad luck, Mo Yunqing quickly wiped it with a paper towel, and only the table was affected.

Do not!wrong!

Mo Yunqing, who was lucky for two seconds just now, gasped.

Ink dripped down the table, as if dripping into the first drawer.

"What's wrong?" Mo Yunlan heard the movement and came over to check the situation.

Mo Yunqing's expression turned ugly: "It's over..."

When Mo Yunlan saw it, panic and panic also appeared on his face.

Yu Zaizai, who didn't know what was going on, rubbed his hands nervously on the coat: "Quick...quickly open the drawer and wipe it clean!"

"No, Dad usually locks that drawer." Mo Yunqing had a pained expression on his face.

Infected by their emotions, Yu Zaizai jumped over to open the drawer: "Just in case... what if it's not locked today."

"Impossible, Dad locks it every time."

After the words fell, the drawer was opened by Yu Zaizai.

The twins froze together.

Is this an opportunity God gave them? ? ?

Mo Yunqing hurriedly took out the documents in the drawer intact, only the most superficial stack was affected.

Like a remedy after getting used to being naughty, Mo Yunlan cleaned up the ink in the drawers and crevices, and Mo Yunqing rushed to type another document and put it on it to pretend.

There are a lot of words on it, some of which Mo Yunqing understands, but a large part of which he can't understand at all.

He only knew that if he couldn't restore the files properly, he might be beaten again.

The file should be in father's computer, but... the computer also has a password! ! !
Mo Yunqing tried several times, but couldn't open it.

"How is it? Can you open it?" Mo Yunlan was worried that Uncle Wang would know about this, so she kept running back and forth between the door and the desk to let the wind out.

"No, I tried several passwords and they were all wrong." Mo Yunqing was devastated.

Although he and Mo Yunlan could put the blame on Yuanyuan, but...bringing Yu Yuanyuan back was their operation, and with his father's temper, he might beat them again.

"Can you let Yuanyuan try?" After saying that, Yu Yuanyuan raised her claws.

Mo Yunqing was in a state of desperation, and was in no mood to deal with Zai Zai's proposal: "Yuanyuan, the situation is urgent now..."

I saw that Yu Yuanyuan had already stood on tiptoe, patting on the keyboard with her claws, giggling while patting.

She knows this!It's the keyboard!
She knocked on Dad's study room and got hot!

A bunch of characters entered the input field, and Mo Yunqing quickly eliminated them: "Yuanyuan, I am doing a very important thing now, the password! Without the password, the file cannot be recovered!"

"The red cat in the cat team said that the password is composed of birthdays, brother Yunqing can try~"

"No, it's not my dad's birthday."

"Could it be Yun Lan or Brother Yun Qing's birthday?"


"The combination?"

Mo Yunqing and Mo Yunlan suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and tried to enter their mother's birthday, no, the password was still wrong.

"Then input the birthdays of Mama, Brother Yunqing, and Brother Yunlan?"

There was a clap of thunderbolt, but it was still not right!
"Yuanyuan, it's not this password."

Probably desperate, Mo Yunqing was actually listening to a three-year-old kid's opinion.

"Then... add 123 pinches?"

"It shouldn't be possible."

"Brother Yunqing, why don't you give it a try~~" Xiao Zaizai hugged his arm, shaking it left and right.

(End of this chapter)

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