The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 766 A Subtle Excitement

Chapter 766 A Subtle Excitement
Under Yu Yuanyuan's strong request, Mo Yunqing added "123" to the long string of passwords just now, and pressed the Enter key tremblingly.

The computer did not report an error, but... successfully entered!

Mo Yunqing was so excited that her hands trembled, she hugged Yuanyuan vigorously: "Wow, Yuanyuan is so amazing!!!"

Time is running out, he used to play computer a lot, and some of the homework in class also required the use of the same word processing software.

Since the file is at the top, it is most likely the last file in Dad's browsing history.

Mo Yunqing turned to the file and clicked on the last browsed record——


After carefully checking the title and general content, he confirmed that it was the dirty document.

It's okay, as long as he makes another copy and puts it on top, it's impossible for Dad to find out without anyone noticing it.

Unavoidable that the sound of the printer disturbed Uncle Wang, Mo Yunlan ran back to the lounge under the direction of Mo Yunqing's eyes, pretending to be playing games, and deliberately covering up the sound of the printer.

After the documents were successfully printed and bound, Mo Yunqing and Mo Yunlan found another headache.

At the end of the document, Dad has already signed it! ! !Also stamped! ! !

"It's over, it's over, Dad signed and stamped it, what should I do?" Mo Yunlan gasped, feeling a chill on her neck.

It was as if he had already felt that his father's claws had pinched the back of his neck, and he was about to throw him to the ground in the next second.

"Just sign one yourself!" The naive little boy thought he was smart.

"But... is it easy to be found?"

Mo Yunqing and Mo Yunlan knew that this operation was tantamount to dancing with the tip of a knife, but there was no better way right now.

Admitting a mistake is 99% likely to be a beating, but if you try to sign, there may be 1% chance of survival.

They were not in a hurry to sign the document, but instead found a few blank sheets of paper, found the signature in the contaminated document and copied it.

After signing the paper several times, both Mo Yunlan and Mo Yunqing were not satisfied, and finally...Yu Yuanyuan also joined the imitation camp.

Originally it was good to play game consoles, but in the end it turned into a copy signing contest.

"Yuanyuan has figured out a way~~~" Yu Yuanyuan moved a small bench, picked up the white paper and Mo Yanrui's original signature, folded the papers, and pressed them together on the glass window, "This way you can slowly Draw it~~ Lan Miaomiao of the Meow Meow team is doing this~~"

I don't know if they were too flustered, but the clever minds of Mo Yunqing and Mo Yunlan actually forgot this method.


Using outdoor light to see through the paper, the signature under the paper can be seen clearly, even the three-year-old Yu Yuanyuan can draw it well.

"That's a good idea, why don't you just... sign it?" Mo Yunlan couldn't help asking with a breath, even though there were only the three of them present.

"Come on!" Mo Yunqing took out the printed document, but when he picked up the pen, his hand trembled involuntarily.

Probably because the coercion from their father was too terrifying, which made both of them very nervous, and they couldn't calm down to deal with this kind of fake behavior.

Mo Yunqing couldn't control her hands, so she changed to Mo Yunlan. The twins are indeed twins, they are exactly the same, and their hands are shaking so much that they can't even write a straight line.

"Come on, Yuanyuan, Yuanyuan's drawing is pretty good too~~" Xiao Zaizai was different from them, and actually found a subtle sense of excitement in this sneaky behavior.

The little cub who never played tricks actually felt nervous and excited.

"Then...Yuanyuan, try it, if it doesn't work, print another copy."

After all, Mo Yunqing handed the page of the document to be signed directly to Yu Yuanyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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