The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 767 What kind of devil family is it?

Chapter 767 What kind of devil family is it?

Without their pressure, Yu Yuanyuan took the paper and stepped on the small bench, and wrote her signature... no, she finished the painting.

Although not as smooth as the original version, but... Barely can still get away with it.

At least that's how it seemed to the three of them.

"But what about the red badge?"

Yu Zaizai patted his heart and said, "This is too simple!"

She asked Mo Yunlan to find a red pen, painted the red stamp several times, and stamped it on the name she had drawn.

Whoa!It really looks like that!

"Master Yunqing, Master Yunlan, I made mung bean cake!" Uncle Wang's voice suddenly sounded downstairs, making the three children tremble.

Mo Yunqing glanced at it quickly, but he didn't seem to see anything wrong. Dad probably wouldn't take it seriously.

The original document was covered red and blurred, and both of them looked similar.

"Then... did I put the files back?" Mo Yunqing was afraid that Uncle Wang would find them when he went upstairs, so he pointed to the drawer and asked uncertainly.

Mo Yunlan swallowed her saliva, and said solemnly: "Let it go!"

Under the gaze of three pairs of eyes, Mo Yunqing carefully restored the files, pushed the drawer back, and shut down the computer.

Before leaving the study, Mo Yunqing also carefully checked the other things on the table to make sure that they were all in place and had not been moved.

After repeated confirmation several times, Mo Yunqing couldn't see anything wrong even though he was worried, so he could only leave the study.

The three children returned to the lounge, unable to finish their drinks.

"Will it really not be discovered?" Mo Yunqing was still very worried.

"Of course not, everything has been put away!" Xiao Zaizai patted her claws excitedly, and her emotions finally gave the twins some comfort.

Mo Yunlan suddenly thought of something, and moved to Yu Yuanyuan's side: "Yuanyuan, you can't tell anyone about this, only the three of us know!"

"Don't worry, Yuanyuan will keep it a secret." Xiao Zai Zai assured, patting his heart.

The three children were plotting in the rest room. Suddenly, footsteps came from the corridor outside. As they got closer, the door of the rest room was opened.

Mo Yanrui's appearance shocked all three people in the room.

Probably because he had just done something wrong, the deity appeared without anyone noticing, and there was a kind of nervousness and fear of being caught suddenly.

Yu Zaizai was so frightened that he jumped up and stammered: "Momomomosusu!"

"Hey, Yuanyuan is here?" Mo Yanrui greeted Yu Yuanyuan happily as soon as she saw her.

Now the cooperation between him and Yu Jinxiao is over, but it doesn't mean that he won't cooperate in the future, not to mention that he also likes Yuanyuan, it would be great if the two boys in the family can have a good relationship with Yu Yuanyuan.

"Yes yes yes yes!" Yu Zaizai got up with a huff, and glanced at the phone watch stiffly, "Yuanyuan is leaving!"

"It's so fast, let's play more." Mo Yanrui, who didn't know what happened at all, still kindly persuaded him to stay.

Yu Yuanyuan walked away from his legs, her smile became forced: "Yuanyuan Yuanyuan is going to take tuition, bye~~"

The little ball slipped away from Mo Yanrui's feet, leaving the two more nervous twins standing still.

They didn't have time to react, Yuanyuan ran away!

Xiao Zaizai ran downstairs and was about to open the door to go out when Uncle Wang who came out of the kitchen caught her.

"Yuanyuan, are you leaving now?" Uncle Wang's voice was very regretful.

"Bye bye Wang Susu~~Yuanyuan is going home for tutoring~" After calming down, Xiao Zaizai was finally able to speak normally.

"You need tutoring at such a young age?" Uncle Wang looked in disbelief.

This little Douding doesn't look like he's in elementary school either. Kindergarten needs tutoring?What the hell is a devil family!
"Yuanyuan, Uncle Wang made mung bean cake, why don't you take some home to eat?"

Yu Zaizai, who had already walked outside the door, suddenly stopped abruptly.

green bean cake? ? ?
The small body immediately retreated into the door backwards: "Thank you, Wang Susu~~"

(End of this chapter)

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