The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 770 Yuanyuan doesn't want to wash!

Chapter 770 Yuanyuan doesn't want to wash!
It's just that the foot shook twice, and then it was put away.

Yu Yuanyuan looked up, it felt like... towards the second floor?

Driven by curiosity, Yu Zaizai put down his snacks and walked to the second floor without a sound.

Is there anyone else in the family?
Brother Yunqing and Brother Yunlan didn't come back, and Uncle Wang was preparing dinner in the kitchen again, could it be... Could it be that Mo Susu was at home?

Almost fell off the stairs? ?
Yu Zaizai climbed up the stairs, had a good meal, and finally came to the second floor out of breath.

what!There is really someone talking in the study!
Is Mo Susu really at home?
Thinking of the deer hanging in the study, Yu Zaizai moved slowly, and finally lay on the side of the door frame and peeked in with half of his head exposed...

Mo Yanrui was really at home.

But he seemed to be on the phone, and the door was turned against him, and his tone was not very good.

Yu Zaizai vaguely heard Baba's name mentioned, the loud voice seemed to be arguing, it was very scary.

But just when Yu Yuanyuan was about to retreat downstairs to continue eating snacks, she suddenly found that there was another person in the room!

The man was dressed in dark clothes and a peaked cap, and in his hand... was holding a sharp knife in his hand! ! !

In the previous dream, the sharp knife was killing people!It's a bad thing! !

The man in black walked very lightly, as if afraid of being discovered, he slowly approached Mo Yanrui's back.

Cubs know it too!

This is called sneak attack!

She did the same thing when she was catching birds in Wonderland!

It's over, is this a bad guy?But... But Mo Susu didn't say anything!

Mo Yanrui was still holding the phone and was talking to the opposite party. He was very emotional and his voice was loud. He was completely immersed in the call, and he didn't notice the man in black who was gradually approaching behind him.

The little heart seemed to lift up suddenly, as if it had stuck Yu Zaizai's throat.

She lay at the door of the room and scratched her paws anxiously, and finally, she couldn't bear it and yelled: "Meow——Mo Susu, be careful!!"

Suddenly a cat meowed in the study, and someone told him to be careful...

Mo Yanrui put down the phone and turned around abruptly, brushed his face with a cold light, and quickly returned it.

If he hadn't turned his head when he heard the voice, the knife would have pierced his neck directly.

"Who are you!" Mo Yanrui yelled angrily, picked up a bronze decoration on the table and threw it at it.

The man in black was hit on the head, he took a few steps back in a daze, turned around and ran away.

But Mo Yanrui was not reconciled, he was about to catch up and arrest him, when he saw the little boy who was too late to escape at the door being picked up by the bad guys.

The blade was in front of the white and weak neck, and the poor Yu Yuanyuan swung her claws desperately, and was so frightened that she wailed and cried.

"Don't chase her, or I'll kill her!" the man in black threatened through gritted teeth.

Mo Yanrui wanted to catch the person who attacked him, but... Yu Yuanyuan was still in the hands of the bad guys, he couldn't bear to just sit back and watch.

Especially those eyes are full of tears, the poor little appearance makes one's heart ache.

If she hadn't reminded him just now, he might have died.

"Don't hurt the child, tell me what you want, and I will promise you." Mo Yanrui raised his hand, trying to show that he was not carrying any weapons, and wanted the other party to calm down.

The man in black suddenly lifted the corners of his lips into a smile: "I want you to die."

"Sorry, that's not acceptable," Mo Yanrui refused without any hesitation, "Other than that, I can promise you."

"Yuanyuan doesn't want to wash either!" Xiao Zai Zai cried.

(End of this chapter)

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