The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 771 Blood keeps dripping down

Chapter 771 Blood keeps dripping down
Mo Yanrui couldn't bear it either.

But the other party wanted to exchange his life for Yu Yuanyuan.

No matter how great a person is, it is impossible to sacrifice so far for others.

"Father, I seem to hear Yuanyuan crying..." Mo Yunqing and Mo Yunlan who had just finished school hurried upstairs.

When they were on the stairs, what they imagined was that the forged documents were discovered before, and their father vented his anger on Yuanyuan who came to find them.

After all, they have been beaten since they were young, and they know how scary it is when their father is angry.

They were afraid that Yuanyuan would be broken.

But as soon as the two rushed to the door of the study, what they saw was not Mo Yanrui beating Yu Yuanyuan, but a stranger in black holding the little milk bag hostage, and the knife in his hand was still on the little boy's neck.

The situation was a bit chaotic, but the twins at least knew that the man in black was not a good person, and immediately shouted: "What are you doing, don't hurt Yuanyuan!"

"Go away, don't come here!" The man in black wanted to avoid the twins, only in this way would he have a chance to go downstairs.

"Mr. Mo, what happened... ah!" Uncle Wang saw this scene on the stairs, and hurriedly rushed downstairs to call the police on his mobile phone, trembling.

Mo Yunqing put his hand into his pocket, and instinctively clicked on the video recording, deliberately placed the camera outside his pocket, and pointed it in the direction of the man in black.

If the bad guy escapes, he needs to leave some clues to catch the bad guy!
"Don't hurt Yuanyuan, she...she's just a kid." Although Mo Yunlan was afraid, she still had the courage to negotiate terms with the other party, "What do you want? Money? My father is rich!"

Mo Yanrui's temple twitched.

Good guy, for a small milk bag, he sold his father so quickly.

However, in order to save Yu Yuanyuan, Mo Yanrui followed Mo Yunlan's words and said, "That's right, how much do you want? I can give it to you, as long as you let that child go."

"Give me [-] million, or we won't talk about it!"

One billion? !
Mo Yanrui's temples and eyelids jumped wildly.

How could it be possible for him to spend so much money to redeem a little milk bag that he hadn't seen much! !

Just as Mo Yanrui hesitated for a moment, the man in black snorted and said, "I can't even part with a hundred million, so what are the conditions? Don't talk about it! Don't come here. If you dare to come here, I will kill her immediately."

The man in black continued to hold Yu Zaizai hostage, and walked backwards slowly down the stairs.

He seemed to have done some investigation a long time ago, and knew exactly how many people lived in Mo's house. His eyes kept looking and judging, and he quickly withdrew to the entrance of the hall.

Several times Uncle Wang wanted to pounce on him to help, but the man in black would immediately squeeze the knife in his hand after seeing his intentions.

They were all afraid that the man in black would hurt Yuanyuan, so they didn't dare to act rashly again.

The man in black opened the door with his backhand, wanting to slowly back out.

But the moment he stepped out of the threshold, a hand wearing a black glove quickly reached out from behind, and firmly and firmly grasped the blade resting on Yu Yuanyuan's neck.

The knife in the man in black's hand could not hurt Yu Yuanyuan temporarily, Mo Yanrui and Uncle Wang rushed forward at the same time, and pulled Yu Yuanyuan out of the man in black's arms.

As if predicting that the man in black would draw the knife, the hand wearing the black glove tightly clenched the blade, the blade cut the glove, and he did not let go of the blood dripping down.

After Yu Yuanyuan was rescued, the man in black suddenly panicked, slammed his elbow back hard, opened the person behind him, threw the knife and stumbled out of the yard.

"Brother Shen Ji is injured!" Xiao Zaizai was still wiping away tears, but after the man in black escaped, he saw clearly that it was Shen Ji who saved him just now.

(End of this chapter)

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