The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 774 You have been cheated

Chapter 774 You have been cheated
"The adults are talking, children don't interrupt." Mo Yanrui's attitude changed [-] degrees. One second he was bluffing about the murderer, and the next second he immediately softened his voice to remind Yu Zaizai.

Probably because of Mo Yanrui's good attitude, Xiao Zai Zai didn't talk back to him, but looked at himself.

"Mr. Mo, what happened?" Yu Jinxiao, who was holding the cub, couldn't understand the anger in Mo Yanrui's eyes, "I wanted to ask why Yuanyuan was held hostage."

Mo Yanrui took a deep breath, stepped forward and showed him a magnified photo on his mobile phone: "See for yourself the good deeds you have done."

The photo was taken of the interface of a mobile phone, and there was a text message on it: "Mr. Yu, things failed."

This is the evidence Mo Yanrui took at the police station - the mobile phone dropped by the killer.

Yu Jinxiao stared at the text message for a long time: "So?"

"You sent someone to kill me, didn't you? Didn't vote for the project and wanted to sabotage it?" Mo Yanrui turned up the volume again as he spoke, and slammed the table hard, "I used to think you were a magnanimous Slut, I didn't expect you to be a sinister villain!"

"Baba is not insidious, he is not a villain, he is an adult~~" the little boy nestled in Yu Jinxiao's arms couldn't help but interject to emphasize.

Mo Yanrui's anger was like a volcano that had erupted halfway, but was suddenly extinguished by a splash of cold water.

Because of their psychological shadow, the twins never dared to talk nonsense when their father was angry.

They also had to follow because they heard something about the situation and were worried that Dad would come to Yu's house alone to confront him and cause an accident.

The incident happened suddenly, and besides them, no one could come with Dad.

"Mr. Mo, if you continue to say inexplicable things, then I won't accompany you. It's time for Yu Yuanyuan to go to bed." Saying that, Yu Jinxiao wanted to leave the study with Yu Yuanyuan in his arms, but Mo Yanrui took a step across to stop him.

"This text message was sent by the person who attacked me tonight. His mobile phone fell to the ground in the chaos. The police personally found out the text message he sent!"

"So?" Yu Jinxiao frowned, "You think it's me? He posted 'Mr. Yu', and I don't have a registered copyright for this surname, and other people can be named Yu as well."

Mo Yanrui is a stubborn person, the current clues and motives all point to Yu Jinxiao, he believes that Yu Jinxiao is the most suspect!
But because there was no solid evidence, the police did not startle the snake for the time being, and did not invite Yu Jinxiao to question him.

"Besides, I'm going to kill you for no reason? If I kill you every time I fail in business, can't I kill all the people in Jiangcheng?"

Yu Jinxiao just thinks that this frame-up is really funny.

"Then how do you explain this text message?"

"You should find the murderer and let the murderer explain to you." Facing Mo Yanrui's persuasive questioning, Yu Jinxiao was calm and calm, without a trace of panic in his eyes, "Besides, it's not like you don't have my number, he sent me number?"

"This number is unregistered. It may be specially prepared by you, so that you cannot be found."

"It's a pity that you don't solve the case with your logic," Yu Jinxiao smiled, "It's just that there may be more unjust, false and wrongly decided cases."

Mo Yanrui was already in a rage, but now that he is being ridiculed, he is even more angry.

"Wait, you signed a contract with Yuehan Company?" Yu Jinxiao suddenly picked out an important point from Mo Yanrui's words.

"The contract has been sent over today, Yuehan will formally cooperate with us, don't pretend to just know..."

"I really didn't know until this moment," Yu Jinxiao took a deep breath and then exhaled slowly, "However, there are some things that I haven't come to inform you in a hurry, Mr. Mo, you have been cheated."

(End of this chapter)

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