Chapter 775

"What nonsense are you talking about, why am I being cheated??" Mo Yanrui became even more angry, and slapped the table again.

"I sent people to investigate all the companies that Yuehan Company purchased from, and found that all the personnel responsible for signing the equipment with him have left." Yu Jinxiao went back to the desk, took out a lot of documents and threw them in front of Mo Yanrui, " Not only the equipment, but also all other related personnel have all resigned, and their so-called formal procedures are all problematic."

Mo Yanrui couldn't believe it, he clearly believed that Yu Jinxiao was using fallacies to fool him, but he couldn't help looking through the pile of materials.

"They resigned at 17:[-] this afternoon. No, it should be the time of their disappearance." Yu Jinxiao pushed a certain document over. "Their entry and exit records all left this afternoon. What a coincidence?"

"There are problems with the documents in charge of this group of people. Even if you go to court with the company, you will not be able to recover compensation, let alone start work as promised."

"The conditions put forward by the other party at that time should have already explained that if there is a problem with the engineering company, you will be responsible for it all." Yu Jinxiao's words seemed to be the icy wind blowing from the Antarctic, making Mo Yanrui's heart feel stronger and stronger. Yue Liang, "You signed contracts with these companies separately, and Yue Han will not bear the loss. According to the content of the contract, it is not his fault, so... if you cannot start work normally, you will compensate him one hundred [-] million."

It's not that Mo Yanrui can't spend [-] billion, but if he is suddenly asked to take so much money, he is destined to make up things.

As an old fritter in the mall, he knew what was waiting for him behind the scenes.

If this is a conspiracy planned long ago, the person behind it will definitely lower the price when he has to sell the stock, transfer the company's equity, and so on.

In the end, the operation of all companies will be affected, and if the whole body is affected, he may go bankrupt.

"Wait, I'll make... a phone call." Mo Yanrui really wanted to confirm whether Yu Jinxiao's words were true, but he had to admit that these documents and various possible consequences had frightened him a lot.

He hurriedly called his secretary and asked her not to send the documents to Yuehan Company.

But the secretary on the other side who didn't know what happened replied a little confused: "But President, I have already sent it around four o'clock in the afternoon!"


Mo Yanrui hung up the phone directly and yelled in the study.

When the documents arrived at Yuehan Company, he was doomed to be trapped by the trap!

"Yuanyuan knows a word, I saw it at brother Yunqing and brother Yunlan's house before~~" Yu Yuanyuan was a little tired from hearing the adults quarreling, so she lay down on the desk and pretended to read the documents together, "Hey, Isn't this the text... Puji."

Realizing that he had said something wrong, Zaizai immediately covered his mouth and looked nervously at the twins.

This document was also given to Yu Jinxiao by Yuehan, and it was exactly the same as the one signed by Mo Yanrui.

"Why did you see the documents in someone else's house?" Yu Jinxiao lowered his eyes and raised his hand to poke the little head.

"Yuanyuan didn't do it on purpose, it was because she accidentally knocked over the ink, so she made a new copy... Ahhh." Xiao Zaizai felt a sudden thunder in his head, as if a catastrophe was about to land on his head illusion.

"What? What document did you make again?" Mo Yanrui raised his head in despair, and cast his sharp gaze at the twins in the corner.

(End of this chapter)

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